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ProtPlot is a Julia package for rendering 3D protein ribbon plots using GLMakie.jl. For backbone atom coordinates and secondary structure assignment, it uses Backboner.jl (which in turn uses AssigningSecondaryStructure.jl).


ProtPlot offers two primary functions: ribbon and ribbon!:

  • ribbon: Creates a new interactive window to render the ribbon plot.
  • ribbon!: Renders the ribbon plot within an existing container (e.g., Scene or Axis3).

Example usage

using ProtPlot

# Load protein data from a PDB file
protein = readpdb("test/data/1ZAK.pdb");

# Create and display a ribbon plot in a new window
ribbon(protein, backgroundcolor=:black, colorscheme=:jet)

This example will open an interactive window featuring a ribbon plot of the protein with a black background and colors based on the jet colormap.

Customizing colors

To customize colors at the residue level, use the color_vectors keyword argument. This argument accepts a vector of vectors, where each inner vector contains colors or numeric values between 0 and 1, representing the colors of each residue in a chain. If numbers are passed instead of colors, they will be converted according to the colorscheme.