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ProtPlot is a Julia package for rendering 3D protein ribbon plots using GLMakie.jl.


ProtPlot offers two primary functions: ribbon and ribbon!:

  • ribbon: Creates a new interactive window to render the ribbon plot.
  • ribbon!: Renders the ribbon plot within an existing container (e.g., Scene or Axis3).

Example usage

using ProtPlot

# Load protein data from a PDB file
protein = readpdb("test/data/1ZAK.pdb");

# Create and display a ribbon plot in a new window
ribbon(protein, backgroundcolor=:black, colorscheme=:jet)

This example will open an interactive window featuring a ribbon plot of the protein with a black background and colors based on the jet colormap.

Customizing colors

To customize colors at the residue level, use the color_vectors keyword argument. This argument accepts a vector of vectors, where each inner vector contains colors or numeric values between 0 and 1, representing the colors of each residue in a chain. If numbers are passed instead of colors, they will be converted according to the colorscheme.