
ProximalOperators is a Julia package that implements first-order primitives for a variety of functions, which are commonly used for implementing optimization algorithms in several application areas, e.g., statistical learning, image and signal processing, optimal control.

Please refer to the GitHub repository to browse the source code, report issues and submit pull requests.


To install the package, hit ] from the Julia command line to enter the package manager, then

pkg> add ProximalOperators

To load the package simply type

using ProximalOperators

Remember to do Pkg.update() from time to time, to keep the package up to date.

Quick introduction

For a function $f$ and a stepsize $\gamma > 0$, the proximal operator (or proximal mapping) is given by

\[\mathrm{prox}_{\gamma f}(x) = \arg\min_z \left\{ f(z) + \tfrac{1}{2\gamma}\|z-x\|^2 \right\}\]

and can be efficiently computed for many functions $f$ used in applications.

ProximalOperators allows to pick function $f$ from a library of commonly used functions, and to modify and combine them using calculus rules to obtain new ones. The proximal mapping of $f$ is then provided through the prox and prox! methods, as described here.

For example, one can create the L1-norm as follows.

julia> using ProximalOperators

julia> f = NormL1(3.5)
description : weighted L1 norm
domain      : AbstractArray{Real}, AbstractArray{Complex}
expression  : x ↦ λ||x||_1
parameters  : λ = 3.5

Functions created this way are, of course, callable.

julia> x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]; # some point

julia> f(x)

Method prox evaluates the proximal operator associated with a function, given a point and (optionally) a positive stepsize parameter, returning the proximal point y and the value of the function at y:

julia> y, fy = prox(f, x, 0.5) # last argument is 1.0 if absent
([0.0, 0.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25], 24.5)

Method prox! evaluates the proximal operator in place, and only returns the function value at the proximal point (in this case y must be preallocated and have the same shape/size as x):

julia> y = similar(x); # allocate y

julia> fy = prox!(y, f, x, 0.5) # in-place equivalent to y, fy = prox(f, x, 0.5)

Bibliographic references

  1. N. Parikh and S. Boyd (2014), Proximal Algorithms, Foundations and Trends in Optimization, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 127-239.

  2. S. Boyd, N. Parikh, E. Chu, B. Peleato and J. Eckstein (2011), Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-122.


ProximalOperators.jl is developed by Lorenzo Stella and Niccolò Antonello at KU Leuven, ESAT/Stadius, and Mattias Fält at Lunds Universitet, Department of Automatic Control.