Prox and gradient

The following methods allow to evaluate the proximal mapping (and gradient, when defined) of mathematical functions, which are constructed according to what described in Functions and Calculus rules.


Proximal mapping

y, fy = prox(f, x, γ=1.0)


\[y = \mathrm{prox}_{\gamma f}(x) = \arg\min_z \left\{ f(z) + \tfrac{1}{2\gamma}\|z-x\|^2 \right\}.\]

Return values:

  • y: the proximal point $y$
  • fy: the value $f(y)$

Proximal mapping (in-place)

fy = prox!(y, f, x, γ=1.0)


\[y = \mathrm{prox}_{\gamma f}(x) = \arg\min_z \left\{ f(z) + \tfrac{1}{2\gamma}\|z-x\|^2 \right\}.\]

The resulting point $y$ is written to the (pre-allocated) array y, which must have the same shape/size as x.

Return values:

  • fy: the value $f(y)$

Gradient mapping

gradfx, fx = gradient(f, x)

Computes the gradient (and value) of $f$ at $x$. If $f$ is only subdifferentiable at $x$, then return a subgradient instead.

Return values:

  • gradfx: the (sub)gradient of $f$ at $x$
  • fx: the value $f(x)$

Gradient mapping (in-place)

gradient!(gradfx, f, x)

Writes $\nabla f(x)$ to gradfx, which must be pre-allocated and have the same shape/size as x. If $f$ is only subdifferentiable at $x$, then writes a subgradient instead.

Return values:

  • fx: the value $f(x)$

Complex and matrix variables

The proximal mapping is usually discussed in the case of functions over $\mathbb{R}^n$. However, by adapting the inner product $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle$ and associated norm $\|\cdot\|$ adopted in its definition, one can extend the concept to functions over more general spaces. When functions of unidimensional arrays (vectors) are concerned, the standard Euclidean product and norm are used in defining prox (therefore prox!, but also gradient and gradient!). This are the inner product and norm which are computed by dot and norm in Julia.

When bidimensional, tridimensional (matrices and tensors) and higher dimensional arrays are concerned, then the definitions of proximal mapping and gradient are naturally extended by considering the appropriate inner product. For $k$-dimensional arrays, of size $n_1 \times n_2 \times \ldots \times n_k$, we consider the inner product

\[\langle A, B \rangle = \sum_{i_1,\ldots,i_k} A_{i_1,\ldots,i_k} \cdot B_{i_1,\ldots,i_k}\]

which reduces to the usual Euclidean product in case of unidimensional arrays, and to the trace product$\langle A, B \rangle = \mathrm{tr}(A^\top B)$ in the case of matrices (bidimensional arrays). This inner product, and the associated norm, are again the ones computed by dot and norm in Julia.

Multiple variable blocks

By combining functions together through SeparableSum, the resulting function will have multiple inputs, i.e., it will be defined over the Cartesian product of the domains of the individual functions. To represent elements (points) of such product space, here we use Julia's Tuple objects.

Example. Suppose that the following function needs to be represented:

\[f(x, Y) = \|x\|_1 + \|Y\|_*,\]

that is, the sum of the $L_1$ norm of some vector $x$ and the nuclear norm (the sum of the singular values) of some matrix $Y$. This is accomplished as follows:

using ProximalOperators
f = SeparableSum(NormL1(), NuclearNorm());

Now, function f is defined over pairs of appropriate Array objects. Likewise, the prox method will take pairs of Arrays as inputs, and return pairs of Arrays as output:

x = randn(10); # some random vector
Y = randn(20, 30); # some random matrix
f_xY = f((x, Y)); # evaluates f at (x, Y)
(u, V), f_uV = prox(f, (x, Y), 1.3); # computes prox at (x, Y)

The same holds for the separable sum of more than two functions, in which case "pairs" are to be replaced with Tuples of the appropriate length.