Minimum Vertex Cover


A Jupyter notebook related to this example is available in our examples folder. See also Wikipedia.

To be able to directly compare to the Pennylane implementation, we employ the following cost function:

\[\begin{align*} \hat C = -\frac 34 \sum_{(i, j) \in E(G)} (\hat Z_i \hat Z_j + \hat Z_i + \hat Z_j) + \sum_{i \in V(G)} \hat Z_i, \end{align*}\]

where $E(G)$ is the set of edges and $V(G)$ is the set of vertices of the graph $G$ (we put a global minus sign since we maximize the cost function).

We can set this model up as follows:

using QAOA, LinearAlgebra
import Random, Distributions
using PyCall
nx = pyimport("networkx")

N = 4
graph = nx.gnp_random_graph(N, 0.5, seed=7) 

h = -ones(N)
J = zeros(N, N)
for edge in graph.edges
    h[edge[1] + 1] += 3/4.
    h[edge[2] + 1] += 3/4.
    J[(edge .+ (1, 1))...] = 3/4.

We have two options to get the corresponding Problem from QAOA.jl. We can pass the coupling matrix J directly:

p = 2
mvc_problem = QAOA.Problem(p, -h, -J)

(since our algorithm maximizes the cost function, we put in extra minus signs for the problem parameters), or we can use a predefined wrapper function that constructs J from the above parameters and directly returns a Problem:

mvc_problem = QAOA.min_vertex_cover(N, [edge .+ (1, 1) for edge in graph.edges], num_layers=p)

Given mvc_problem, we can then call the gradient optimizer:

learning_rate = 0.01
cost, params, probs = QAOA.optimize_parameters(mvc_problem, vcat([0.5 for _ in 1:p], [0.5 for _ in 1:p]); learning_rate=learning_rate)

Alternatively, we can use NLsolve.jl:

cost, params, probs = QAOA.optimize_parameters(mvc_problem, vcat([0.5 for _ in 1:p], [0.5 for _ in 1:p]), :LN_COBYLA)