Quantum Annealing with QAOA.jl


Have a look into our corresponding SK and MaxCut notebooks.

Simulating quantum annealing with QAOA.jl is very simple. For the most basic case of a linear annealing schedule, all we need is to define a schedule function for a certain final time T_anneal and a Problem instance:

using QAOA

T_anneal = 8.
p = 256
linear_schedule(t) = t / T_anneal
annealing_problem = Problem(p, zeros(N), J)

Note that we assume J has been defined and that no local_fields are present (i.e. local_fields = zeros(N)). Then we can call QAOA.jl's anneal method to obtain the final probabilities of each bitstring:

probs = anneal(annealing_problem, linear_schedule, T_anneal)

Two specific examples of this are implemented in the above-mentioned notebooks.