
QuantumCumulants.jl offers a practical approach to the application of the generalized cumulant expansion method in Quantum Optics: operators are often represented by matrices on a Hilbert space, where a suitable basis has been chosen. These matrices can quickly become so large that they can no longer be stored. On a more abstract level, however, operators form a noncommutative alebgra that follows fundamental commutation relations. This is where QuantumCumulants.jl comes in. The basic working principle boils down to the following steps:

  • The model (Hamiltonian) is specified.
  • Equations of motion for average values are derived. This is done by using the fundamental commutation relations of operators. The resulting equations are stored as symbolic equations using the Symbolics.jl framework, which is also used for any additional simplification and rewriting.
  • Then follows the key step: the equations of motion the averages are truncated at a specified order neglecting higher-order quantum correlations using the generalized cumulant expansion method. This results in a closed set of c-number ordinary differential equations.
  • Finally, the symbolic system of equations can be turned into an ODESystem of the ModelingToolkit.jl framework which bridges the gap from symbolics to numerics. This makes it straightforward to obtain a solution of the time dynamics of a system within the DifferentialEquations.jl ecosystem.


QuantumCumulants.jl is not officially released (yet) and so has to be installed directly from GitHub. This can be done with

|pkg> add

For a full list of functions, check out the API.