
QuizQuestions allows the inclusion of self-grading quiz questions within a Documenter, Weave, quarto, or Pluto HTML page.


The basic idea is:

  • load the package:
using QuizQuestions
using LaTeXStrings # helper for using math notation
  • create a question with Julia code:
choices = ["one", L"2", L"\sqrt{9}"]
question = "Which is largest?"
answer = 3
radioq(choices, answer; label=question, hint="A hint")
Which is largest?  ๐ŸŽ
Select an item
  • repeat as desired.

The quizzes are written in markdown with the questions in Julia blocks. The above code cells would be enclosed in triple-backtick blocks and would typically have their contents hidden from the user. How this is done varies between Documenter, Weave, quarto, and Pluto. The examples directory shows examples of each.

For each question:

  • The show method of the object for the text/html mime type inserts the necessary HTML and JavaScript code to show the input widget and grading logic.

  • the optional hint argument allows a text-only hint available to the user on hover.

  • The optional label argument is used to flag the question.

  • The optional explanation argument is used to give feedback to the user in case there is an incorrect answer given.

For example, the question can be asked in the body of the document (the position of any hint will be different):

answer = sqrt(2)
tol = 1e-3
numericq(answer, tol,
    label=L"What is $\sqrt{2}$?",
	hint="you need to be within 1/1000")
What is $\sqrt{2}$?  ๐ŸŽ

Examples of question types

Choice questions (one from many)

The radioq question was shown above.

The buttonq question is alternative to radio buttons where the correct answer is shown after the first choice. If this choice is wrong, the explanation is shown along with the correct answer.

buttonq([L"1 + 1", L"2+2", L"-1 + -1"], 1;
    label = L"Which adds to $2$?",
	explanation="Add 'em up")
Which adds to $2$?

Multiple choices (one or more from many)

A multiple choice question (one or more from many) can be constructed with multiq:

choices =[
	"Four score and seven years ago",
	"Lorum ipsum",
	"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog",
	"One and one and one makes three"
answer = (1, 4)
multiq(choices, answer,
    label="Select the sentences with numbers (one or more)")
Select the sentences with numbers (one or more)

The multibuttonq question is similar, but it uses a "done" button to initiate the grading. This allows for answers with $0$, $1$, or more correct answers.

choices =[
	"Four score and seven years ago",
	"Lorum ipsum",
	"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog",
	"One and one and one makes three"
answer = (1, 4)
multibuttonq(choices, answer,
    label="Select the sentences with numbers (one or more)")
Select the sentences with numbers (one or more)

Numeric answers

Questions with numeric answers use numericq. The question is graded when the input widget loses focus.

answer = 1 + 1
    label=L"1 + 1?",
	hint="Do the math")
$1 + 1?$  ๐ŸŽ

Numeric questions can have an absolute tolerance set to allow for rounding.

Text response

A question graded by a regular expression can be asked with stringq. The question is graded when the input widget loses focus.

stringq(r"^Washington"; label="Who was the first US president?",
        placeholder="last name")
Who was the first US president?


A question involving matching can be asked with matchq.

questions = ("Select a Volvo", "Select a Mercedes", "Select an Audi")
choices = ("XC90", "A4", "GLE 350", "X1") # may be more than questions
answer = (1,3,2) # indices of choices that match correct answer for each question
matchq(questions, choices, answer;
    label="For each question, select the correct answer.")
For each question, select the correct answer.
Select a Volvo
Select a Mercedes
Select an Audi

The above shows that the number of choices need not match the number of questions. When they do, a dictionary can be used to specify the choices and the answers will be computed:

d = Dict("Select a Volvo" => "XC90", "Select a Mercedes" => "GLE 350",
         "Select an Audi" => "A4")
matchq(d, label="Match the manufacture with a model")
Match the manufacture with a model
Select a Mercedes
Select a Volvo
Select an Audi

Fill-in-the-blank questions

Fill-in-the blank questions can be asked with fillblankq. Answers can be gathered and graded in different manners.

question = "The quick brown fox jumped over the ____ dog"
fillblankq(question, ("lazy", "brown", "sleeping"), 1)
The quick brown fox jumped over the dog

(like stringq)

question = "The quick brown fox jumped over the ____ dog"
fillblankq(question, r"^lazy$")
The quick brown fox jumped over the dog

(like numericq)

question = "____ `` + 2  = 4``"
fillblankq(question, 2)
$+ 2 = 4$

Select from an image question

The hotspotq shows an image, specified by a file, and grades an answer correct if a mouse click is in a specified rectangular region. The region is given in terms of (xmin,xmax) and (ymin, ymax) as if the entire region was in $[0,1] \times [0,1]$, though the correct_answer argument allows for more complicated regions.

using Plots
p1 = plot(x -> x^2, axis=nothing, legend=false)
p2 = plot(x -> x^3, axis=nothing, legend=false)
p3 = plot(x -> -x^2, axis=nothing, legend=false)
p4 = plot(x -> -x^3, axis=nothing, legend=false)
l = @layout [a b; c d]
p = plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, layout=l)
imgfile = tempname() * ".png"
savefig(p, imgfile)
hotspotq(imgfile, (0,1/2), (0, 1/2),
    label=L"What best matches the graph of $f(x) = -x^4$?")
What best matches the graph of $f(x) = -x^4$?
Image for hotspot selection

The PlotlyLight package provides a very lightweight interface for producing JavaScript based graphs with the plotly.js library. The plotlylight type allows questions involving an (x,y) selection from a graph ((x,y) is a point on a graph).


The plotlylight question type does not work with Documenter.


The available question types are listed below. If others are desirable, open an issue on the GitHub repository.

QuizQuestions.radioq โ€” Function
radioq(choices, answer; label="", hint="", explanation="", keep_order=false)

Multiple choice question (one of several)


  • choices: indexable collection of choices. As seen in the example, choices can be formatted with markdown.

  • answer::Int: index of correct choice

  • keep_order::Boolean: if true keeps display order of choices, otherwise they are shuffled

  • inline::Bool: hint to render inline (or not) if supported

  • label: optional label for the form element

  • hint: optional plain-text hint that can be seen on hover

  • explanation: text to display on a wrong selection


choices = ["beta", raw"``\beta``", "`beta`"]
answer = 2
radioq(choices, answer; hint="Which is the Greek symbol?")
QuizQuestions.buttonq โ€” Function
buttonq(choices, answer; label="", hint="", [colors])

Use buttons for multiple choice (one of many). Show answer after first click.


  • choices: indexable collection of choices. As seen in the example, choices can be formatted with markdown.

  • answer::Int: index of correct choice

  • label: optional label for the form element

  • hint: optional plain-text hint that can be seen on hover

  • explanation: text to display on a wrong selection


choices = ["beta", raw"``\beta``", "`beta`"]
answer = 2
explanation = "The other two answers are not a symbol, but a name"
buttonq(choices, answer; label="Which is the Greek symbol?",
QuizQuestions.yesnoq โ€” Function
yesnoq(ans; [label, hint, explanation])

Boolean question with yes or no labels.


QuizQuestions.booleanq โ€” Function
booleanq(ans; [label, hint, explanation])

True of false questions:


booleanq(true; label="Does it hurt...")
QuizQuestions.multiq โ€” Function
multiq(choices, answers; label="", hint="", explanation="", keep_order=false)

Multiple choice question (one or more of several)


  • choices: indexable collection of choices. As seen in the example, choices can be formatted with markdown.

  • answers::Vector{Int}: index of correct choice(s)

  • keep_order::Boolean: if true keeps display order of choices, otherwise they are shuffled

  • inline::Bool: hint to render inline (or not) if supported

  • label: optional label for the form element

  • hint: optional plain-text hint that can be seen on hover

  • explanation: text to display on a wrong selection


choices = ["pear", "tomato", "banana"]
answers = [1,3]
multiq(choices, answers; label="yellow foods", hint="not the red one!")
QuizQuestions.multibuttonq โ€” Function
multibuttonq(choices, answers; label="", hint="", explanation="", keep_order=false)

Multiple choice question (zero, one or more of several) using buttons and a "done" button to reveal the answers and whether the user input is correct.


  • choices: indexable collection of choices. As seen in the example, choices can be formatted with markdown.

  • answers::Vector{Int}: index of correct choice(s)

  • keep_order::Boolean: if true keeps display order of choices, otherwise they are shuffled

  • inline::Bool: hint to render inline (or not) if supported

  • label: optional label for the form element

  • hint: optional plain-text hint that can be seen on hover

  • explanation: text to display on a wrong selection


choices = ["pear", "tomato", "banana"]
answers = [1,3]
multibuttonq(choices, answers; label="yellow foods", hint="not the red one!")
QuizQuestions.matchq โ€” Function
matchq(questions, choices, answers; label="", hint="", explanation="")
matchq(d::Dictionary; label="", hint="", explanation="")

Use a drop down to select the right match for each question.


  • questions: Indexable collection of questions

  • choices: indexable collection of choices for each question. As seen in the example, choices can be formatted with markdown.

  • answers: for each question, the index from choices of the correct answer

  • d: As an alternative, a dictionary of questions and answers can be specified. The choices will be taken from the values then randomized, the answers will be computed

  • label: optional label for the form element

  • hint: optional plain-text hint that can be seen on hover

  • explanation: text to display on a wrong selection


questions = ("Select a Volvo", "Select a Mercedes", "Select an Audi")
choices = ("XC90", "A4", "GLE 350", "X1") # may be more than questions
answer = (1,3,2) # indices of correct
matchq(questions, choices, answer)

This example uses a dictionary to specify the questions and choices:

d = Dict("Select a Volvo" => "XC90", "Select a Mercedes" => "GLE 250")
QuizQuestions.numericq โ€” Function
numericq(value, atol=1e-3; label="", hint="", units="", explanation="", placeholder=nothing)

Match a numeric answer


  • value: the numeric answer

  • atol: $|answer - value| \le atol$ is used to determine correctness

  • label: optional label for the form element

  • hint: optional plain-text hint that can be seen on hover

  • units: a string indicating expected units

  • placeholder: text shown when input widget is initially drawn

QuizQuestions.stringq โ€” Function
stringq(re::Regex; label="", hint="", explanation="", placeholder="")

Match string answer with regular expression


  • re: a regular expression for grading

  • label: optional label for the form element

  • hint: optional plain-text hint that can be seen on hover

  • explanation: text to display on a wrong selection

  • placeholder: text shown when input widget is initially drawn


re = Regex("^abc")
stringq(re, label="First 3 letters...")
QuizQuestions.fillblankq โ€” Function
fillblankq(question answer::Regex; placeholder=nothing, [label, hint, explanation])
fillblankq(question, choices, answer; keep_order=false,[label, hint, explanation])
fillblankq(question, val, atol=0; placeholder=nothing, [label, hint, explanation])

Present a fill-in-the-blank question where the blank can be a selection, a number, or a string graded by a regular expression.

  • question: A string. Use ____ (4 or more under scores) to indicate the blank.

Other rguments from stringq, radioq, and numericq


question = "The quick brown fox jumped over the ____ dog"
fillblankq(question, r"lazy")
fillblankq(question, ("lazy", "brown", "sleeping"), 1)
fillblankq("____ ``+ 2  = 4``", 2)
QuizQuestions.hotspotq โ€” Function
hotspotq(imagefile, xs, ys=(0,1); label="", hint="", explanation="",

Question type to check if user clicks in a specified region of an image.

  • imgfile: File of an image. The images will be encoded and embedded in the web page.

  • xs: iterable specifying (xmin, xmax) with 0 <= xmin <= xmax <= 1

  • ys: iterable specifying (ymin, ymax)

  • correct_answer: A text snippet of JavaScript which can be specified to add more complicated logic to test if an answer is correct. It must use x and y for the coordinates of the click.


using Plots
p1 = plot(x -> x^2, axis=nothing, legend=false)
p2 = plot(x -> x^3, axis=nothing, legend=false)
p3 = plot(x -> -x^2, axis=nothing, legend=false)
p4 = plot(x -> -x^3, axis=nothing, legend=false)
l = @layout [a b; c d]
p = plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, layout=l)
imgfile = tempname() * ".png"
savefig(p, imgfile)
hotspotq(imgfile, (0,1/2), (0, 1/2), label="What best matches the graph of ``f(x) = -x^4``?")

The display of the image is not adjusted by this question type and must be managed separately.

QuizQuestions.plotlylightq โ€” Function
plotlylightq(p, xs=(-Inf, Inf), ys=(-Inf, Inf);
             label="", hint="", explanation="",

From a plotly graph of a function present a question about the x-y point on a graph shown on hover. (For figures with multiple graphs, the hover of the first one is taken. For parameterized plots, the hover may be computed in an unexpected manner.)

By default, correct answers select a value on the graph with x in the range specified by xs and y in the range specified by ys.

  • xs: specifies interval for selected point [xโ‚€,xโ‚], defaults to (-Inf,Inf)

  • ys: range [yโ‚€,yโ‚]

  • correct_answer: When specified, allows more advanced notions of correct. This is a JavaScript code snippet with x and y representing the hovered point on the graph that is highlighted on clicking.


using PlotlyLight
xs = range(0, 2pi, length=100)
ys = sin.(xs)
p = Plot(Config(x=xs, y=ys))
plotlylightq(p, (3,Inf); label="Click a value with ``x>3``")

An example where the default grading script needs modification. Note also, the x, y values refer to the first graph. (One could modify their definition in correct answer; they are found through x=e.points[0].x, y=e.points[0].y.)

xs = range(0, 2pi, length=100)
ys = sin.(xs)
p = Plot(Config(x=xs, y=ys));
push!(p.data, Config(x=xs, y=cos.(xs)));  # add layer
question = "Click a value where `sin(x)` is increasing"
# evalute pi/2 as no pi in JavaScript, also Inf -> Infinity
correct_answer = "((x >= 0 && x <= 1.5707963267948966) || (x >= 4.71238898038469 && x <= 6.283185307179586))"
plotlylightq(p; label=question, correct_answer=correct_answer)

The use of PlotlyLight graphics works with Weave and Pluto, but is unusable from quarto and Documenter.