
A simple yet sufficiently fast Radon and inverse Radon (iradon) transform implementation using KernelAbstractions.jl.

Build Status Coverage Documentation for stable version Documentation for development version

Quick Overview

  • [x] For 2D and 3D arrays
  • [x] parallel radon and iradon (?RadonParallelCircle)
  • [x] attenuated radon and iradon (see the parameter μ)
  • [x] arbitrary 2D geometries where starting and endpoint of each ray can be specified (cone beam could be a special case if this) (?RadonFlexibleCircle)
  • [x] It is restricted to the incircle of radius N ÷ 2 - 1 if the array has size (N, N, N_z)
  • [x] based on KernelAbstractions.jl
  • [x] tested on CPU() and CUDABackend
  • [x] registered adjoint rules for both radon and iradon
  • [x] high performance however not ultra high performance
  • [x] simple API


Requires Julia 1.9

julia> ]add RadonKA

Simple use

using RadonKA, ImageShow, ImageIO, TestImages

img = Float32.(testimage("resolution_test_512"))

angles = range(0f0, 2f0π, 500)[begin:end-1]

# 0.196049 seconds (145 allocations: 1009.938 KiB)
@time sinogram = radon(img, angles);

# 0.268649 seconds (147 allocations: 1.015 MiB)
@time backproject = RadonKA.iradon(sinogram, angles);



See either the documentation. Otherwise, this example shows the main features, including CUDA support. There is one tutorial about Gradient Descent optimization. Another one covers how the Radon transform is used in Volumetric Additive Manufacturing.


File an issue on GitHub if you encounter any problems.