
A package to create, manage, store and retrieve datasets for Offline Reinforcement Learning. This package uses DataDeps.jl to fetch and track datasets.


Since the package is not registered, you could install the package using the following command.

pkg> add



D4RL dataset

using ReinforcementLearningDatasets
ds = dataset("hopper-medium-replay-v0"; repo="d4rl")
samples = Iterators.take!(ds)

ds is of the type D4RLDataset which consists of the entire dataset along with some other information about the dataset. samples are in the form of SARTS with batch_size 256.

RL Unplugged

using ReinforcementLearningDatasets
ds = rl_unplugged_atari_dataset("pong", 1, [1, 2])
samples = Iterators.take!(ds, 2)

ds is a Channel{RLTransition} that returns batches of type RLTransition when take! is used.

For more details refer to the documentation.

Note: The package is under active development and for now it supports only a limited number of datasets.

Supported Datasets