Connecting two Julia processes

Let's connect two separate Julia processes on the same machine. First start up a REPL server in process A. This will allow any number of external clients to connect:

julia> using RemoteREPL

julia> @async serve_repl()

Now start a separate Julia session B, connect to process A and execute some command:

julia> using RemoteREPL

julia> connect_repl();
REPL mode remote_repl initialized. Press > to enter and backspace to exit.

julia@localhost> x = 123

Back in the REPL of process A you'll now see that a client has connected, and the variable x has been set in the Main module:

┌ Info: REPL client opened a connection
└   peer = (ip"", 0xa68e)

julia> x

Transferring variables

Normally RemoteREPL shows you a string-based summary of variables, but the actual Julia values are held in the remote process. Sometimes it's useful to transfer these to the client to make use of graphical utilities like plotting or other resources which you need a local copy of the object for. This can be done with the RemoteREPL @remote macro which executes an expression on the "other side" of the current remote connection.

Transfer the value from a variable x on the client to the variable y on the server:

julia> x = [1,2];

julia@localhost> y = @remote(x)
2-element Vector{Int64}:

Transfer arrays x and y from the server and plot them on the client:

julia@localhost> x = 1:42; y = x.^2;

julia> a, b = @remote (x,y)
       plot(a, b)