This is a minimal package to call the C++ classes and methods of the richdem C++ library by Richard Barnes. The wrapper library can be found here : RichDEM_jll.jl.

Here is a list of calls of the methods that have been wrapped :

  • Array2D{Float32} and Array2D{Float64} constructors which take a string denoting path to file

tiff_array = RichDEM.common.Array2D{Float32}("path/to/geotiff")

- Constructor to instantiate an empty array, e.g, `RichDEM.common.Array2D{Float64}()`
- `Array2D{T}` constructor for assigning same value to all entries of a matrix works, e.g,
RichDEM.common.Array2D{UInt32}(width, height, 0)

The parameter T can be of types : Float32, Float64, UInt32 and Int8.

  • An example of generating an empty array, resizing it
weights = RichDEM.common.Array2D{Float64}()
RichDEM.common.resize(weights, width, height, 10)
  • The following methods have also been wrapped:
RichDEM.misc.BucketFillFromEdgesD8Double(check_raster, set_raster, check_value, set_value)

where check_raster is of type Array2D{Float32} or Array2D{Float64}, set_raster is of type Array2D{UInt32} and check_value is a scalar of type Float32 or Float64 depending on the type of check_raster array and set_value is a type UInt32.