
This package is an extension to ControlSystems.jl that provides methods for robust and optimal analysis and synthesis of linear control systems. Some highlights:

  • Named statespace systems (named_ss) where states, inputs and outputs are accessible by names rather than indices. This also facilitates creating complicated feedback interconnections using connect.
  • An interface to DescriptorSystems.jl. Call dss on a statespace system to get a descriptor system. We also forward some methods to implementations in DescriptorSystems.
  • Robust/optimal design methods such as $H_{\infty}$, $H_{2}$, LQG and Glover-McFarlane.
  • Robustness-related metrics such as nugap ($\nu$-gap), ncfmargin, diskmargin etc.
  • Uncertainty modeling with the $M\Delta$ framework (and more). Analsysis methods for this framework are still limited.
  • Model augmentation.
  • An ExtendedStateSpace type that represents a partitioned statespace system $w,u \rightarrow z,y$.


pkg> add RobustAndOptimalControl

Named systems

See complicated-feedback example

Named systems can be indexed with their names, e.g.,

G[:y2, :u4]

but also using incomplete names, e.g., if G contains outputs :y1, :y2, :y3, :z1, :z2, the following retrieves the three outputs that has the prefix :y

G[:y, :] # Prefix matching is used if no exact match is found.

Connecting systems together

See complicated-feedback example

The following complicated feedback interconnection

              │                                │
    ┌───────┐ │  ┌───────┐ yR   ┌─────────┐    │    ┌───────┐
uF  │       │ │  │       ├──────►         │ yC │  uP│       │    yP
────►   F   ├─┴──►   R   │      │    C    ├────+────►   P   ├────┬────►
    │       │    │       │   ┌──►         │         │       │    │
    └───────┘    └───────┘   │  └─────────┘         └───────┘    │
                             │                                   │

can be created by

F = named_ss(ssrand(1, 1, 2, proper=true), x=:xF, u=:uF, y=:yF)
R = named_ss(ssrand(1, 1, 2, proper=true), x=:xR, u=:uR, y=:yR)
C = named_ss(ssrand(1, 1, 2, proper=true), x=:xC, u=:uC, y=:yC)
P = named_ss(ssrand(1, 1, 3, proper=true), x=:xP, u=:uP, y=:yP)

addP = sumblock("uP = yF + yC") # Sum node before P
addC = sumblock("uC = yR - yP") # Sum node before C (drawn as two arrows into C in the diagram)

connections = [
    :yP => :yP # Output to input
    :uP => :uP # addP's output is called the same as P's input
    :yC => :yC
    :yF => :yF
    :yF => :uR
    :uC => :uC
    :yR => :yR
w1 = [:uF] # External inputs

G = connect([F, R, C, P, addP, addC], connections; w1)

If an external input is to be connected to multiple points, use a splitter to split up the signal into a set of unique names which are then used in the connections.

Model augmentation


Add disturbance and performance models to your system model.

$H_\infty$ and $H_2$ design

TODO Examples are available in the example folder.

LQG design


Structured singular value and diskmargin

Diskmargin example

The diskmargin can be visualized in several ways, as a region of allowed simultaneous gain and pahse variations:

using RobustAndOptimalControl, ControlSystems, Plots
L = tf(25, [1,10,10,10])
dm = diskmargin(L, 0)
plot(dm) # Plot the disk margin to illustrate maximum allowed simultaneous gain and phase variations.

As a Nyquist exclusion disk:

plot!(dm, nyquist=true) # plot a nyquist exclusion disk. The Nyquist curve will be tangent to this disk at `dm.ω0`
nyquistplot!(dm.f0*L, lab="perturbed") # If we perturb the system with the worst-case perturbation `f0`, the curve will pass through the critical point -1.

And as a frequency-dependent margin

w = exp10.(LinRange(-2, 2, 500))
dms = diskmargin(L, 0, w)

Closed-loop analysis