
This package aim is to implement in Julia some (one-dimensional for now) robust mean estimators. See Mean Estimation and Regression Under Heavy-Tailed Distributions: A Survey for a recent but but not up to date since the field is very active) survey.

I am currently trying some stuff on the package about "robust moving average"

What is it about?

Computing the empirical mean over a data set is one of the most common operations in data analysis. However, this operation is not robust to outliers or contaminated samples. Robust mean estimators are mean estimator that are robust (in some sense) against such outliers or contaminated samples.


using Distributions
using RobustMeans

Generate samples

n = 8 * 7
M = 10^5 # M = 10^7 is used for the plot
α = 3.1
distribution = Pareto(α)
μ = mean(distribution) # True mean
σ = std(distribution) # True std
x = rand(distribution, M, n) # M realization of samples of size n

Estimate the mean with different estimators

# Store all the realizations into a Dictionary
p = 1 # Parameter of MinskerNdaoud
δ = 3exp(-8) # 0.001
estimators = [EmpiricalMean(), Catoni(σ), Huber(σ), LeeValiant(), MinskerNdaoud(p)]
short_names = ["EM", "CA", "HU", "LV", "MN"]
estimates = Dict{MeanEstimator,Vector}()
for estimator in estimators
    estimates[estimator] = [mean(r, δ, estimator) for r in eachrow(x)]


# To have nice LaTeX font plots.
using StatsPlots, LaTeXStrings
plot_font = "Computer Modern"
    fontfamily = plot_font,
    linewidth = 2,
    label = nothing,
    grid = true,
    framestyle = :default
# The plot 
    plot(thickness_scaling = 2, size = (1000, 600))
    plot!(Normal(), label = L"\mathcal{N}(0,1)", c = :black, alpha = 0.6)
    for (ns, s) in enumerate(estimators)
        W = (n) * (estimates[s] .- μ) / σ
        stephist!(W, alpha = 0.6, norm = :pdf, label = short_names[ns], c = ns)
        vline!([quantile(W, 1-δ)], s = :dot, c = ns)

    vline!([0], label = :none, c = :black, lw = 1, alpha = 0.9)
    yaxis!(:log10, yminorticks = 9, minorgrid = :y, legend = :topright, minorgridlinewidth = 1.2)
    ylims!((1/M*10, 2))
    ylabel!(L"\sqrt{n}(\hat{\mu}_n-\mu)/\sigma", tickfonthalign = :center)
    xlims!((-5, 10))
    yticks!(10.0 .^ (-7:-0))
