Contributing to the Package

All contributors welcome! Please contact with any questions.

Installation for Development

If you would like to contribute the package, clone the repository into your ~/.julia/dev/ directory with

git clone RobustNeuralNetworks

Note that the repo is RobustNeuralNetworks.jl but the folder name is RobustNeuralNetworks. This is convention for Julia packages. Navigate to the repository directory, start a Julia session, and type the following in the REPL to activate the package.

using Pkg

Check that the example in Getting Started runs without errors and matches the given output before continuing.

Package Structure

The main file is src/RobustNeuralNetworks.jl. This imports all relevant packages, defines abstract types, includes code from other files, and exports the necessary components of our package.

  • All using PackageName statements should be included in this file.
  • Only import the packages you really need
  • If you only need one function from a package, import it explicitly (not the whole package)

When including files in our src/ folder, the order often matters. Code should only ever be included with a single include statement in the main file. Please follow the convention outlined in the comments.

The source files for our package are all in the src/ directory, and are split into the following sub-directories.

  • src/Base/: Contains code relevant to the core package functionality.
  • src/ParameterTypes/: Contains the various REN parameterisations, all of type AbstractRENParams.
  • src/LBDN/: Contains code exclusively used for AbstractLBDN models

Once you have written any code for this package, be sure to test it thoroughly. Write testing scripts in the test/ directory.

  • See Test.jl documentation for help with writing good package tests.
  • Run all tests for the package with ] test in the REPL.
  • All tests will be run by the CI client when submitting pull requests to the main git branch.

If you would like to contribute the docs, this page provides a great outline of the required workflow.

Git Workflow

The package can be treated as an independent git repository for devlopment.

  • Please feel free to submit git issues, pull requests, etc. as usual.

  • Always develop new features in a new branch labelled feature/<some_descriptive_words>. For example, the branch feature/documentation is where this documentation was first written and tested.

  • Submit pull requests once you have completed a new feature and tested it thorougly. Pull requests without thorough testing will be rejected.