Model Parameterisations

Lipschitz-Bounded Deep Networks

DenseLBDNParams{T}(nu, nh, ny, γ; <keyword arguments>) where T

Construct direct parameterisation of a dense (fully-connected) LBDN.

This is the equivalent of a multi-layer perceptron (eg: Flux.Dense) with a guaranteed Lipschitz bound of γ. Note that the Lipschitz bound can made a learnable parameter.


  • nu::Int: Number of inputs.
  • nh::Union{Vector{Int}, NTuple{N, Int}}: Number of hidden units for each layer. Eg: nh = [5,10] for 2 hidden layers with 5 and 10 nodes (respectively).
  • ny::Int: Number of outputs.
  • γ::Real=T(1): Lipschitz upper bound, must be positive.

Keyword arguments:

  • nl::Function=relu: Sector-bounded static nonlinearity.
  • learn_γ::Bool=false: Whether to make the Lipschitz bound γ a learnable parameter.

See DirectLBDNParams for documentation of keyword arguments initW, initb, rng.

DirectLBDNParams{T}(nu, nh, ny, γ; <keyword arguments>) where T

Construct direct parameterisation for a Lipschitz-bounded deep network.

This is typically used by a higher-level constructor to define an LBDN model, which takes the direct parameterisation in DirectLBDNParams and defines rules for converting it to an explicit parameterisation. See for example DenseLBDNParams.


  • nu::Int: Number of inputs.
  • nh::Union{Vector{Int}, NTuple{N, Int}}: Number of hidden units for each layer. Eg: nh = [5,10] for 2 hidden layers with 5 and 10 nodes (respectively).
  • ny::Int: Number of outputs.
  • γ::Real=T(1): Lipschitz upper bound, must be positive.

Keyword arguments

  • initW::Function=Flux.glorot_normal: Initialisation function for implicit params X,Y,d.

  • initb::Function=Flux.glorot_normal: Initialisation function for bias vectors.

  • learn_γ::Bool=false: Whether to make the Lipschitz bound γ a learnable parameter.

  • rng::AbstractRNG = Random.GLOBAL_RNG: rng for model initialisation.

See Wang et al. (2023) for parameterisation details.

See also DenseLBDNParams.

mutable struct ExplicitLBDNParams{T, N, M}

Explicit LBDN parameter struct.

These parameters define the explicit form of a Lipschitz-bounded deep network used for model evaluation. Parameters are stored in NTuples, where each element of an NTuple is the parameter for a single layer of the network. Tuples are faster to work with than vectors of arrays.

See Wang et al. (2023) for more details on explicit parameterisations of LBDN.

Recurrent Equilibrium Networks

ContractingRENParams{T}(nu, nx, nv, ny; <keyword arguments>) where T

Construct direct parameterisation of a contracting REN.

The parameters can be used to construct an explicit REN model that has guaranteed, built-in contraction properties.


  • nu::Int: Number of inputs.
  • nx::Int: Number of states.
  • nv::Int: Number of neurons.
  • ny::Int: Number of outputs.

Keyword arguments

  • nl::Function=relu: Sector-bounded static nonlinearity.

  • αbar::T=1: Upper bound on the contraction rate with ᾱ ∈ (0,1].

See DirectRENParams for documentation of keyword arguments init, ϵ, bx_scale, bv_scale, polar_param, D22_zero, output_map, rng.

See also GeneralRENParams, LipschitzRENParams, PassiveRENParams.

ContractingRENParams(nv, A, B, C, D; ...)

Alternative constructor for ContractingRENParams that initialises the REN from a stable discrete-time linear system with state-space model

\[\begin{align*} x_{t+1} &= Ax_t + Bu_t \\ y_t &= Cx_t + Du_t. \end{align*}\]

[TODO:] This method has not been used or tested in a while. If you find it useful, please reach out to us and we will add full support and testing! :) [TODO:] Make compatible with αbar ≠ 1.0.

DirectRENParams{T}(nu, nx, nv; <keyword arguments>) where T

Construct direct parameterisation for an (acyclic) recurrent equilibrium network.

This is typically used by higher-level constructors when defining a REN, which take the direct parameterisation and define rules for converting it to an explicit parameterisation. See for example GeneralRENParams.


  • nu::Int: Number of inputs.
  • nx::Int: Number of states.
  • nv::Int: Number of neurons.

Keyword arguments

  • init=:randomQR: Initialisation method. Options are:

    • :random: Random sampling with Glorot normal distribution. Typically samples "faster"/short memory dynamic models.
    • :randomQR: Compute X with glorot_normal and take the QR decomposition X = qr(X).Q. Good for initialising X close to the identity when long memory is needed. Default as legacy.
    • :cholesky: Compute X with cholesky factorisation of H, sets E,F,P = I. Good for slow/long memory dynamic models.
  • polar_param::Bool=true: Use polar parameterisation to construct H matrix from X in REN parameterisation (recommended).

  • D22_free::Bool=false: Specify whether to train D22 as a free parameter (true), or construct it separately from X3, Y3, Z3 (false). Typically use D22_free = true only for a contracting REN.

  • D22_zero::Bool=false: Fix D22 = 0 to remove any feedthrough.

  • bx_scale::T=0: Set scale of initial state bias vector bx.

  • bv_scale::T=1: Set scalse of initial neuron input bias vector bv.

  • output_map::Bool=true: Include output layer $y_t = C_2 x_t + D_{21} w_t + D_{22} u_t + b_y$. Otherwise, output is just $y_t = x_t$.

  • ϵ::T=1e-12: Regularising parameter for positive-definite matrices.

  • rng::AbstractRNG=Random.GLOBAL_RNG: rng for model initialisation.

See Revay et al. (2021) for parameterisation details.

See also GeneralRENParams, ContractingRENParams, LipschitzRENParams, PassiveRENParams.

mutable struct ExplicitRENParams{T}

Explicit REN parameter struct.

These parameters define a recurrent equilibrium network with model inputs and outputs $u_t, y_t$, neuron inputs and outputs $v_t,w_t$, and states x_t.

\[\begin{equation*} \begin{bmatrix} x_{t+1} \\ v_t \\ y_t \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} A & B_1 & B_2 \\ C_1 & D_{11} & D_{12} \\ C_2 & D_{21} & D_{22} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_t \\ w_t \\ u_t \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} b_x \\ b_v \\ b_y \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}\]

See Revay et al. (2021) for more details on explicit parameterisations of REN.

GeneralRENParams{T}(nu, nx, nv, ny, Q, S, R; <keyword arguments>) where T

Construct direct parameterisation of a REN satisfying general behavioural constraints.

Behavioural constraints are encoded by the matrices Q,S,R in an incremental Integral Quadratic Constraint (IQC). See Equation 4 of Revay et al. (2021).


  • nu::Int: Number of inputs.
  • nx::Int: Number of states.
  • nv::Int: Number of neurons.
  • ny::Int: Number of outputs.
  • Q::AbstractMatrix: IQC weight matrix on model outputs
  • S::AbstractMatrix: IQC coupling matrix on model outputs/inputs
  • R::AbstractMatrix: IQC weight matrix on model outputs

Keyword arguments

  • nl::Function=relu: Sector-bounded static nonlinearity.

  • αbar::T=1: Upper bound on the contraction rate with ᾱ ∈ (0,1].

See DirectRENParams for documentation of keyword arguments init, ϵ, bx_scale, bv_scale, polar_param, rng.

See also ContractingRENParams, LipschitzRENParams, PassiveRENParams.

LipschitzRENParams(nu, nx, nv, ny, γ; <keyword arguments>) where T

Construct direct parameterisation of a REN with a Lipschitz bound of γ.


  • nu::Int: Number of inputs.
  • nx::Int: Number of states.
  • nv::Int: Number of neurons.
  • ny::Int: Number of outputs.
  • γ::Number: Lipschitz upper bound.

Keyword arguments

  • nl::Function=relu: Sector-bounded static nonlinearity.

  • αbar::T=1: Upper bound on the contraction rate with ᾱ ∈ (0,1].

  • learn_γ::Bool=false: Whether to make the Lipschitz bound γ a learnable parameter.

See DirectRENParams for documentation of keyword arguments init, ϵ, bx_scale, bv_scale, polar_param, D22_zero, rng.

See also GeneralRENParams, ContractingRENParams, PassiveRENParams.

PassiveRENParams{T}(nu, nx, nv, ny, ν, ρ; <keyword arguments>) where T

Construct direct parameterisation of a passive REN.


  • nu::Int: Number of inputs.
  • nx::Int: Number of states.
  • nv::Int: Number of neurons.
  • ny::Int: Number of outputs.
  • ν::Number=0: Passivity index. Use ν > 0 for an incrementally strictly input passive model. Set both ν = 0 and ρ = 0 for incrementally passive model.
  • ρ::Number=0: Passivity index. Use ρ > 0 for an incrementally strictly output passive model.

Note that setting both ν,ρ > 0 or both ν,ρ < 0 is not currently supported and will throw an error.

Keyword arguments

  • nl::Function=relu: Sector-bounded static nonlinearity.

  • αbar::T=1: Upper bound on the contraction rate with ᾱ ∈ (0,1].

See DirectRENParams for documentation of keyword arguments init, ϵ, bx_scale, bv_scale, polar_param, rng.

See also GeneralRENParams, ContractingRENParams, LipschitzRENParams.