

Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation in Julia.

SeisNoise.jl provides routines for quickly and efficiently implementing seismic interferometry.


Much of the I/O and preprocessing in SeisNoise.jl uses the SeisIO.jl package. Please read through the SeisIO Documentation to get familiar with seismic data processing in Julia.


You can install the latest version of SeisNoise using the Julia package manager (Press ] to enter pkg). From the Julia command prompt:

(@v1.4) pkg> add SeisNoise

Or, equivalently, via the Pkg API:

julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("SeisNoise")

We recommend using the latest version of SeisNoise by updating with the Julia package manager:

(@v1.4) pkg> update SeisNoise

Package Features

Getting Started

SeisNoise.jl was designed to be as easy to use in the REPL as on an HPC cluster. This documentation provides a reference to all the underlying function for cross-correlation. We encourage you to develop your own workflow using SeisNoise's core functionality.
