
This package is a collection of sequential sampling models and is based on the Distributions.jl API. The examples below show basic usage. Addition information can be found in the REPL with the help function, e.i., ? LNR.


You can install a stable version of Turing by running the following in the Julia REPL:

julia> ] add SequentialSamplingModels

The package can then be loaded with:

using SequentialSamplingModels


SequentialSamplingModels implements a variety of sequential sampling models that can be used to model specific outcomes (e.g., reaction time data).

Lognormal Race Model (LNR)

See Heathcote and Love (2012) and Rouder et al. (2015).

dist = LNR(μ=[-2,-3], σ=1.0, ϕ=.3)
choice,rts = rand(dist, 10)
like = pdf.(dist, choice, rts)
loglike = logpdf.(dist, choice, rts)

Linear Ballistic Accumulator (LBA)

See Brown and Heathcote (2008).

dist = LBA(ν=[3.0,2.0], A = .8, k = .2, τ = .3) 
choice,rt = rand(dist, 10)
like = pdf.(dist, choice, rt)
loglike = logpdf.(dist, choice, rt)

Shifted Wald

dist = Wald(ν=3.0, α=.5, θ=.130)
rt = rand(dist, 10)
like = pdf.(dist, rt)
loglike = logpdf.(dist, rt)

Wald Mixture

dist = WaldMixture(ν=3.0, σ=.2, α=.5, θ=.130)
rt = rand(dist, 10)
like = pdf.(dist, rt)
loglike = logpdf.(dist, rt)

Racing Diffusion Model

dist = DiffusionRace(;ν=[1.0,.5], k=0.5, A=1.0, θ=.2)
choice,rt = rand(dist, 10)
like = pdf.(dist, choice, rts)
loglike = logpdf.(dist, choice, rts)

Attentional Diffusion Model

using StatsBase

mutable struct Transition

 function Transition(mat)
    n = size(mat,1)
    state = rand(1:n)
    return Transition(state, n, mat)
 function attend(transition)
     (;mat,n,state) = transition
     w = mat[state,:]
     next_state = sample(1:n, Weights(w))
     transition.state = next_state
     return next_state

 model = AttentionalDiffusion()
 tmat = Transition([.98 .015 .005;
                    .015 .98 .005;
                    .45 .45 .1])

 choice,rts = rand(model, 1000, attend, tmat)

Multiattribute Attentional Drift Diffusion

using StatsBase

model = maaDDM()

mutable struct Transition

function Transition(mat)
   n = size(mat,1)
   state = rand(1:n)
   return Transition(state, n, mat)

function attend(transition)
    (;mat,n,state) = transition
    w = mat[state,:]
    next_state = sample(1:n, Weights(w))
    transition.state = next_state
    return next_state

# transition within alternatives.
# columns 
# 1. alternative 1, attribute 1
# 2. alternative 1, attribute 2
# 3. alternative 2, attribute 1
# 4. alternative 2, attribute 2
tmat = Transition([.98 .015 .0025 .0025;
                   .015 .98 .0025 .0025;
                   .0025 .0025 .98 .015;
                   .0025 .0025 .015 .98])

choice,rts = rand(model, 1000, attend, tmat)

Leaky Competing Accumulator

model = LCA(; α = 1.5, β=0.20, λ=0.10, ν=[2.5,2.0], Δt=.001, τ=.30, σ=1.0)
choice,rt = rand(model, 1000)