Parameter Estimation with Turing

It is possible to use Turing.jl to perform Bayesian parameter estimation on models defined in SequentialSamplingModels.jl. Below, we show you how to estimate the parameters for the Linear Ballistic Accumulator (LBA).


Load Packages

The first step is to load the required packages. You will need to install each package in your local environment in order to run the code locally.

using Turing
using SequentialSamplingModels
using Random
using LinearAlgebra

Define Turing Model

The code snippet below defines a model in Turing. The model function accepts a tuple containing a vector of choices and a vector of reaction times. The sampling statements define the prior distributions for each parameter. The non-decision time parameter $\tau$ must be founded by the minimum reaction time, min_rt. The last sampling statement defines the likelihood of the data given the sampled parameter values.

@model function model(data; min_rt = minimum(data[2]))
    ν ~ MvNormal(zeros(2), I * 2)
    A ~ truncated(Normal(.8, .4), 0.0, Inf)
    k ~ truncated(Normal(.2, .2), 0.0, Inf)
    τ  ~ Uniform(0.0, min_rt)
    data ~ LBA(;ν, A, k, τ )
model (generic function with 2 methods)

Generate Simulated Data

In the code snippet below, we set a seed for the random number generator and generate $100$ simulated trials from the LBA from which we will estimate parameters.

# generate some data
dist = LBA(ν=[3.0,2.0], A = .8, k = .2, τ = .3)
data = rand(dist, 100)
(choice = [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2  …  2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1], rt = [0.6290010134562214, 0.507511686077583, 0.4077035786951601, 0.5845853642627061, 0.5518606313501111, 0.357077395905047, 0.4430796909532061, 0.35525992231554643, 0.4858235685699115, 0.37197001383636874  …  0.8595469187781852, 0.5705118298266227, 0.5348699092588236, 0.4397605741138838, 0.48381613889237696, 0.4576847624125857, 0.4835375184039913, 0.5544902383424269, 0.583537266351565, 0.36048725612183097])

Estimate the Parameters

Finally, we perform parameter estimation with sample, which accepts the following inputs:

  1. model(data): the Turing model with data passed
  2. NUTS(1000, .65): a sampler object for the No U-Turn Sampler for 1000 warmup samples.
  3. MCMCThreads(): instructs turing to run each chain on a seperate thread
  4. n_iterations: the number of iterations performed after warmup
  5. n_chains: the number of chains
# estimate parameters
chain = sample(model(data), NUTS(1000, .85), MCMCThreads(), 1000, 4)


It is important to verify that the chains converged. We see that the chains converged according to $\hat{r} \leq 1.05$, and the trace plots below show that the chains look like "hairy catipillars", whichin indictes the chains did not get stuck. As expected, the posterior distributions are close to the data generating parameter values.

plot(chain, grid=false)

Posterior Predictive Distribution

With predict, it is possible to sample from the posterior predictive distribution, as follows.

predictions = predict(model(missing; min_rt = minimum(data[2])), chain)

In the following code block, we plot the predictive distributions for each choice.

choices = predictions.value[:,1,:][:]
rts = predictions.value[:,2,:][:]
# rts for option 1
rts1 = rts[choices .== 1]
# rts for option 2 
rts2 = rts[choices .== 2]
# probability of choosing 1
p1 = length(rts1) / length(rts)
# histogram of retrieval times
hist = histogram(layout=(2,1), leg=false, grid=false,
     xlabel="Reaction Time", ylabel="Density", xlims = (0,1), ylims=(0,4))
histogram!(rts1, subplot=1, color=:grey, bins = 150, norm=true, title="Choice 1")
histogram!(rts2, subplot=2, color=:grey, bins = 800, norm=true, title="Choice 2")
# weight histogram according to choice probability
hist[1][1][:y] *= p1
hist[2][1][:y] *= (1 - p1)