Style Guide

In most cases, code written in SequentialSamplingModels.jl follows the guidelines specified in the blue style guide for Julia. Please use the blue style guide or existing code as a guide, and deviate from the guides only when there is a compelling reason to do so.



Provide docstrings for methods and types which are part of the API. For example, the doc strings for each model should adhere to the following format:

    LNR{T<:Real} <: SSM2D

A lognormal race model object. 

# Parameters 

- `μ`: a vector of means in log-space
- `σ`: a standard deviation parameter in log-space
- `ϕ`: a encoding-response offset

# Constructors

    LNR(μ, σ, ϕ)

    LNR(;μ, σ, ϕ)

# Example

using SequentialSamplingModels
dist = LNR(μ=[-2,-3], σ=1.0, ϕ=.3)
choice,rt = rand(dist, 10)
like = pdf.(dist, choice, rt)
loglike = logpdf.(dist, choice, rt)
# References

Rouder, J. N., Province, J. M., Morey, R. D., Gomez, P., & Heathcote, A. (2015). 
The lognormal race: A cognitive-process model of choice and latency with desirable 
psychometric properties. Psychometrika, 80(2), 491-513.

For the benefit of other developers, err on the side of providing doc strings for internal methods. The doc strings should provide the function signature, a high level explanation of the function, and a description of arguments and keywords. Please include references as appropriate.

Model Example

Provide a detailed model walk through for the online documentation under the section Models. The walk through should include a description of the model, an explanation of the model parameters, and a demonstration showing the pdf overlayed on the histogram (if applicable). Please use existing model examples as a template.


Only export (make public) types and methods that are intended for users. Other methods are implementational details for interal use.

Unit tests

Provide unit tests for most (if not all) methods. When possible, programatically test a method over a wide range of inputs. If you find a bug, write a unit test for the bug to prevent regressions. When possible, compare methods to those defined in established and trusted packages in other languages.

Parameter Naming Conventions

To ensure consistency across models, please use the following variable names:

  1. use ν for drift rates
  2. use α for decision boundaries
  3. use Δt for a discrete time step
  4. use σ for within trial noise
  5. use τ for non-decision time
  6. use z for evidence starting point