Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.TravisAppVeyorCirrus CI


ShallowWaters.jl - A type-flexible 16bit shallow water model


A shallow water model with a focus on type-flexibility and 16bit number formats. ShallowWaters allows for Float64/32/16, BigFloat/ArbFloat/DoubleFloats, Posit32/16/8, BFloat16, Sonum16 and in general every number format with arithmetics and conversions implemented. ShallowWaters also allows for mixed-precision and reduced precision communication.

ShallowWaters is fully-explicit with an energy and enstrophy conserving advection scheme and a Smagorinsky-like biharmonic diffusion operator. Tracer advection is implemented with a semi-Lagrangian advection scheme. Runge-Kutta 4th-order is used for pressure, advective and Coriolis terms and the continuity equation. Semi-implicit time stepping for diffusion and bottom friction. Boundary conditions are either periodic (only in x direction) or non-periodic super-slip, free-slip, partial-slip, or no-slip. Output via NetCDF.

Please feel free to raise an issue if you discover bugs or have an idea how to improve ShallowWaters.

How to use

RunModel initialises the model, preallocates memory and starts the time integration. You find the options and default parameters in src/DefaultParameters.jl (or by typing ?Parameter).

help?> Parameter
search: Parameter

  Creates a Parameter struct with following options and default values

  T::DataType=Float32                 # number format
  Tprog::DataType=T                   # number format for prognostic variables
  Tcomm::DataType=Tprog               # number format for ghost-point copies
  nx::Int=100                         # number of grid cells in x-direction
  Lx::Real=2000e3                     # length of the domain in x-direction [m]
  L_ratio::Real=2                     # Domain aspect ratio of Lx/Ly

They can be changed with keyword arguments. The number format T is defined as the first (but optional) argument of RunModel(T,...)

julia> Prog = RunModel(Float32,Ndays=10,g=10,H=500,Fx0=0.12);
Starting ShallowWaters on Sun, 20 Oct 2019 19:58:25 without output.
100% Integration done in 4.65s.

or by creating a Parameter struct

julia> P = Parameter(bc="nonperiodic",wind_forcing_x="double_gyre",L_ratio=1,nx=128);
julia> Prog = RunModel(P);

The number formats can be different (aka mixed-precision) for different parts of the model. Tprog is the number type for the prognostic variables, Tcomm is used for communication of boundary values.

(Some) Features

  • Interpolation of initial conditions from low resolution / high resolution runs.
  • Output of relative vorticity, potential vorticity and tendencies du,dv,deta
  • (Pretty accurate) duration estimate
  • Can be run in ensemble mode with ordered non-conflicting output files
  • Runs at CFL=1
  • Solving the tracer advection comes at basically no cost, thanks to semi-Lagrangian advection scheme
  • Also outputs the gradient operators ∂/∂x,∂/∂y and interpolations Ix, Iy for easier post-processing.


ShallowWaters.jl is a registered package, so simply do

julia> ] add ShallowWaters

The equations

The non-linear shallow water model plus tracer equation is

      ∂u/∂t + (u⃗⋅∇)u - f*v = -g*∂η/∂x - c_D*|u⃗|*u + ∇⋅ν*∇(∇²u) + Fx(x,y)     (1)
      ∂v/∂t + (u⃗⋅∇)v + f*u = -g*∂η/∂y - c_D*|u⃗|*v + ∇⋅ν*∇(∇²v) + Fy(x,y)     (2)
      ∂η/∂t = -∇⋅(u⃗h) + γ*(η_ref - η) + Fηt(t)*Fη(x,y)                       (3)
      ∂ϕ/∂t = -u⃗⋅∇ϕ                                                          (4)

with the prognostic variables velocity u⃗ = (u,v) and sea surface heigth η. The layer thickness is h = η + H(x,y). The Coriolis parameter is f = f₀ + βy with beta-plane approximation. The graviational acceleration is g. Bottom friction is either quadratic with drag coefficient c_D or linear with inverse time scale r. Diffusion is realized with a biharmonic diffusion operator, with either a constant viscosity coefficient ν, or a Smagorinsky-like coefficient that scales as ν = c_Smag*|D|, with deformation rate |D| = √((∂u/∂x - ∂v/∂y)² + (∂u/∂y + ∂v/∂x)²). Wind forcing Fx is constant in time, but may vary in space.

The linear shallow water model equivalent is

      ∂u/∂t - f*v = -g*∂η/∂x - r*u + ∇⋅ν*∇(∇²u) + Fx(x,y)     (1)
      ∂v/∂t + f*u = -g*∂η/∂y - r*v + ∇⋅ν*∇(∇²v) + Fy(x,y)     (2)
      ∂η/∂t = -H*∇⋅u⃗ + γ*(η_ref - η) + Fηt(t)*Fη(x,y)         (3)
      ∂ϕ/∂t = -u⃗⋅∇ϕ                                           (4)

ShallowWaters.jl discretises the equation on an equi-distant Arakawa C-grid, with 2nd order finite-difference operators. Boundary conditions are implemented via a ghost-point copy and each variable has a halo of variable size to account for different stencil sizes of various operators.

ShallowWaters.jl splits the time steps for various terms: Runge Kutta 4th order scheme for the fast varying terms. The diffusive terms (bottom friction and diffusion) are solved semi-implicitly every n-th time step. The tracer equation is solved with a semi-Lagrangian scheme that uses much larger time steps.