
This package provides a fairly complete implemenation of the Slack Web API.


using SlackSDK

Access to the Slack api is provided via the WebClient struct. Construct it by passing a token directly. Alternatively, set the token as an environment variable called SLACK_API_TOKEN and then use the no-arg constructor. You will most likely want to use a bot token here.

julia> client = SlackSDK.WebClient(token)
Slack Web API client, with base url '' and token 'xoxb-206....Yg'

The list of api methods are documented by slack at It will be helpful to familiarise yourself with the structure of the api before using this package.

The Slack api methods are generally of the form group[.subgroup].methodname. Replace the dots with underscores, and use that name to call the member function on the WebClient object you created above. For example, the chat.postMessage(...) API method is called using client.chat_postMessage, while the method is called using client.admin_analytics_getFile(...). Required arguments should be passed as positional arguments to this function, and optional arguments are passed as keyword arguments.

There are some discrepancies between the online documentation and the api specs about which arguments are required. In case of doubt, view the method list. Search the method name to find its details. Required parameters will be explicitly marked as such.

The list of available methods can be seen via tab completion of properties of the client object

julia> client.admin_apps<tab><tab>
admin_apps_approve         admin_apps_approved_list    admin_apps_requests_list    admin_apps_restrict         admin_apps_restricted_list


julia> client.auth_test()
Dict{String, Any} with 8 entries:
  "team_id"               => "T0LLxxxxxx"
  "ok"                    => true
  "team"                  => "Jxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "bot_id"                => "B033xxxxxxx"
  "user_id"               => "U033xxxxxxx"
  "url"                   => ""
  "user"                  => "apitestxxx"
  "is_enterprise_install" => false
julia> client.bots_info(bot="B033xxxxxxx")
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
  "ok"  => true
  "bot" => Dict{String, Any}("name"=>"APITestxxx", "id"=>"B033xxxxxxx", "deleted"=>false, "user_id"=>"U033xxxxxx", "app_id"=>"A033xxxxxx", "updated"=>1645307913, "icons"=>Dict{String, Any}("image_36"=>"https://a.slack-edge…
julia> client.chat_postMessage("C033xxxxxx"; text="Hello from your bot")
Dict{String, Any} with 4 entries:
  "channel" => "C033xxxxxx"
  "ok"      => true
  "message" => Dict{String, Any}("bot_profile"=>Dict{String, Any}("name"=>"APITesting", "team_id"=>"T0LLxxxxx", "id"=>"B033Vxxxxxx", "deleted"=>false, "app_id"=>"A033xxxxxx", "icons"=>Dict{String, Any}("image_36"=>"https://…
  "ts"      => "1645461486.214089"
julia> client.chat_delete(channel="C033xxxxxx", ts="1645461486.214089")
Dict{String, Any} with 3 entries:
  "channel" => "C033xxxxxx"
  "ok"      => true
  "ts"      => "1645461486.214089"

Error Handling

The return value from any method call is a Dict. See the value of the ok key to check if the call succeeded. It should be true for calls that succeed, and the rest of the Dict will contain other return values from the api call. If ok is false, there will be an error key with details of the problem. Like so:

julia> client.admin_apps_approved_list()
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
  "error" => "not_allowed_token_type"
  "ok"    => false