Config Files

Example Detector Config Files

Currently, there are four predefined example detectors.

Three of them are cylindrical detectors:

* Coaxial detector (Coax)
* Inverted coax detector (IVC)
* BEGe type detector (BEGe)

The fourth one is in cartesian coordinates:

* simple cube detector (CGD)

They are all specified in their JSON config files, which can be found under: <package_directory>/examples/example_detector_config_files/<config_filename>.json.

In Julia, their path is already saved in the SolidStateDetectors.jl package in a dictionary:

    using SolidStateDetectors
    SSD_examples # dictionary holding the full path to the corresponding config JSON files

The keys are: :Coax, :InvertedCoax, :BEGe, :CGD.

Example 1) Inverted Coax

Example minimum config file for an Inverted Coax detector (IVC) plus explanations. Remember, comments are not allowed in JSON files and have to be deleted if you want to use it.

    name = "Example Detector",

UserConfigs: Define your own geometry
