CSG Primitives

CSG = Constructive Solid Geometries

Primitive: Box

    "type": "box",
    "x": {
        "from": 0.0,
        "to":  10.0
        "from": 0.0,
        "to":  10.0
    "z": {
        "from": 0.0,
        "to":  10.0

Primitve: Tube

    "type": "tube",
    "r": {
        "from": 3.0,
        "to":   7.0
    "phi": {
        "from": 0.0,
        "to": 360.0
    "z": {
        "from": 0.0,
        "to":  10.0

Primitive: Cone

    "type": "cone",
    "r": {
        "bottom": {
            "from": 10.0,
            "to": 20.0
        "top": {
            "from": 5.0,
            "to": 25.0
    "phi": {
        "from": 0.0,
        "to": 360.0
    "z": {
        "from": 0.0,
        "to":  10.0

Primitive: Sphere

    "type": "sphere",
    "r": 30,
    "translate": {
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "z": 0

Add new Primitive

If you need a primitive which is not yet implemented you can implemented yourself and make a PR on GitHub :)

There are a few functions you will have to define for a new primitive. Here is a layout for a new primitive. Place the struct and all the functions in a file NewPrimitive.jl inside <SSD>/src/Geometries/VolumePrimitives and include it in the file <SSD>/src/Geometries/VolumePrimitives/VolumePrimitives.jl

Note that internally everything is in SI units. So please have a look in the already implemented primitives (Box, Sphere, Tube, ...) how the conversion from config file units to SI units is done.

struct NewPrimitive{T} <: AbstractVolumePrimitive{T, 3}
    # fields of the new primitive

function in(pt::CartesianPoint{T}, g::NewPrimitive{T})::Bool where {T <: SSDFloat}
    # pt in NewPrimitive?
function in(pt::CylindricalPoint{T}, g::NewPrimitive{T})::Bool where {T <: SSDFloat}
    # pt in NewPrimitive?

# You also have to implement the function to obtain the primitive from a config file (so an dic)
# You also should provide a example config file containing this new primitive
function NewPrimitive{T}(dict::Union{Dict{Any, Any}, Dict{String, Any}}, inputunit_dict::Dict{String,Unitful.Units})::NewPrimitive{T} where {T <: SSDFloat}
    # ... parse values from dict to NewPrimitive{T}(...)
    return NewPrimitive{T}(
        # ...
function Geometry(T::DataType, t::Val{:newprimitive}, dict::Dict{Any, Any}, inputunit_dict::Dict{String,Unitful.Units})
    return NewPrimitive{T}(dict, inputunit_dict)

# Also a plot recipe for this new primitive should be provided:
@recipe function f(cb::NewPrimitive{T}) where {T <: SSDFloat}
    label --> "NewPrimitive"
    # ...

# For proper grid creation we also need the function get_important_points:
function get_important_points(g::NewPrimitive{T}, ::Val{:r})::Vector{T} where {T <: SSDFloat}
    return T[ # ... ]
function get_important_points(g::NewPrimitive{T}, ::Val{:φ})::Vector{T} where {T <: SSDFloat}
    return T[ # ... ]
function get_important_points(g::NewPrimitive{T}, ::Val{:z})::Vector{T} where {T <: SSDFloat}
    return T[ # ... ]
function get_important_points(g::NewPrimitive{T}, ::Val{:x})::Vector{T} where {T <: SSDFloat}
    return T[ # ... ]
function get_important_points(g::NewPrimitive{T}, ::Val{:y})::Vector{T} where {T <: SSDFloat}
    return T[ # ... ]

# and a sample function to paint the primitive on the grid (necessary if the object is small)
function sample(cb::NewPrimitive{T}, stepsize::Vector{T})  where {T <: SSDFloat}
    samples  = CartesianPoint{T}[]
    # ...
    return samples

# add a (+) method to shift the primitive 
function (+)(b::NewPrimitive{T}, translate::Union{CartesianVector{T},Missing})::NewPrimitive{T} where {T <: SSDFloat}
    # ...
    return NewPrimitive( # ...  )