After simulating the potentials and fields of a detector setup, the results should be saved to a file to avoid recalculating them every time the user starts a program.

Saving output with JLD2

One easy way to do this is using JLD2.jl and FileIO.jl.

Simulation results can be saved to a JLD file using

using SolidStateDetectors
sim = Simulation("<config-file-name>")
# ...

using FileIO"<name-of-simulation-file>.jld", Dict("Simulation" => sim))

It can be read back in using FileIO.load:

using FileIO
sim = FileIO.load("<name-of-simulation.file>.jld", "Simulation")

Saving output with HDF5

One more compact way of saving simulation results is based on converting the output to a NamedTuple and saving it to a HDF5 file. This requires the HDF5.jl package, as well as the (unregistered) service packages LegendDataTypes.jl and LegendHDF5IO.jl.

Install the required packages once by running:

using Pkg

Simulation output can be written to a HDF5 file using ssd_write:

using HDF5
using LegendHDF5IO
using SolidStateDetectors 
# ...

ssd_write("<name-of-simulation-file>.h5", sim)

The data stored in the HDF5 file can be read using ssd_read:

using HDF5
using LegendHDF5IO
using SolidStateDetectors
ssd_read("<name-of-simulation-file>.h5", Simulation)

!!!note All HDF5 related packages must be loaded before loading SolidStateDetectors.jl