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A Julia toolbox for ICESat-2 and GEDI data.

This is mostly a research package for now, things are hacky and quick to change. Expect a registred mature package by JuliaCon (summer) 2021

Currently supports the following data products (UG=User Guide, ATBD=Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents):

Also see the Juliacon Pluto notebook here


Results are used (indirectly) in the following papers:

Vernimmen, Ronald, Aljosja Hooijer, and Maarten Pronk. 2020. ‘New ICESat-2 Satellite LiDAR Data Allow First Global Lowland DTM Suitable for Accurate Coastal Flood Risk Assessment’. Remote Sensing 12 (17): 2827.

Hooijer, A., and R. Vernimmen. 2021. ‘Global LiDAR Land Elevation Data Reveal Greatest Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability in the Tropics’. Nature Communications 12 (1): 3592.