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sparse-ir ( is a Python library for the intermediate representation of propagators. With the excellent PyCall package of julia, one can use the many features of the sparse_ir library from within a Julia session.


To use this package, both Python and a proper version of sparse-ir library must be installed on your system. Note that the sparse-ir must be installed via pip. If a proper version of sparse-ir is already installed, SparseIR can be installed by running

julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("SparseIR")'


using SparseIR
lambda = 100
beta = 10
eps = 1e-7
k = KernelFFlat(lambda)
basis_f = FiniteTempBasis(k, fermion, beta, eps)
basis_b = FiniteTempBasis(k, boson, beta, eps)