StackOverflow.jl Documentation


getrecentquestionsfortag(;tag::String = "Julia", site::String = "stackoverflow", order::String = "desc",
                                sort::String = "activity", todate::String = "", fromdate::String = "")

Will return the 30 StackOverflow questions given a certain tag and sort parameter.

Possible order values: "desc" or "asc" Possible sort values: "activity", "votes", "creation", "hot", "week", or "month"


Prints out the various privilege levels in Stack Overflow and the rep required to have said privileges.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for getquestions. Check Documenter's build log for details.

getsiteinfo(;site::String = "stackoverflow")

Will return a collection of statistics about the site (StackOverflow).


Adding the ability to search for an error through StackOverflow.jl while in the Julia Terminal.


Adding the ability to search for an tag through StackOverflow.jl while in the Julia Terminal.

getfeaturedquestions(page::Int = 1, pagesize::Int = 1, fromdate::String = "", todate::String = "",
                        order::String = "desc", sort::String = "activity", tags::String = "Julia",
                        site::String = "stackoverflow")

Will return bountied questions given a tag. pagesize is the number of questions it will return, page is the page on which it takes questions from, and returns pagesize number of questions.

Possible order values: "desc" or "asc" Possible sort values: "activity", "votes", "creation", "hot", "week", or "month"

getopenquestions(page::Int = 1, pagesize::Int = 1, fromdate::String = "", todate::String = "",
                        order::String = "desc", sort::String = "activity", tags::String = "Julia",
                        site::String = "stackoverflow")

Will return questions that have no marked answer given a tag. pagesize is the number of questions it will return, page is the page on which it takes questions from, and returns pagesize number of questions.

Possible order values: "desc" or "asc" Possible sort values: "activity", "votes", "creation", "hot", "week", or "month"

getmoderators(page::Int = 1, pagesize::Int = 1, fromdate::String = "", todate::String = "",
            order::String = "desc", site::String = "stackoverflow", sort::String = "creation")

Returns moderators on a site. Returns pagesize moderators on page.

Possible order values: "desc" or "asc" Possible sort values: "reputation", "creation", "name", "modified"

getnoanswerquestions(page::Int = 1, pagesize::Int = 1, fromdate::String = "", todate::String = "",
                        order::String = "desc", sort::String = "activity", tags::String = "Julia",
                        site::String = "stackoverflow")

Will return questions with zero answers given a tag. pagesize is the number of questions it will return, page is the page on which it takes questions from, and returns pagesize number of questions.

Possible order values: "desc" or "asc" Possible sort values: "activity", "votes", "creation", "hot", "week", or "month"
