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Note: StanSample.jl v5 is a breaking change from StanSample.jl v4.

The most important difference is that all modifications to running a default cmdstan script are specified as keyword arguments to stan_sample(), e.g. in StanSample.jl v4:

sm = SampleModel("bernoulli", bernoulli_model;
  method = StanSample.Sample(adapt = StanSample.Adapt(delta = 0.85)),
  tmpdir = tmpdir,

rc = stan_sample(sm; data, n_chains=2, seed=12);

will in StanSample.jl v5 look like:

sm = SampleModel("bernoulli", bernoulli_model, tmpdir)
rc = stan_sample(sm; data, num_chains=2, seed=12, delta=0.85)

Note also that n_chains is now called num_chains and is a simple Int. In v4 this used to be a Vector{int}.

See the example/bernoulli.jl for a basic example.

This package is registered. It can be installed with:

pkg> add StanSample.jl

You need a working Stan's cmdstan installation, the path of which you should specify in either CMDSTAN or JULIA_CMDSTAN_HOME, eg in your ~/.julia/config/startup.jl have a line like:

# CmdStan setup
     expanduser("~/src/cmdstan-2.28.2/") # replace with your path

This package is modeled after Tamas Papp's StanRun.jl package.

Note: StanSample.jl v5.3, supports multithreading in the cmdstan binary and requires cmdstan v2.28.2 and up. To activate multithreading in cmdstan this needs to be specified during the build process of cmdstan.

Once multithreading is included in cmdstan, there are 2 ways to specify the number of threads used:

  1. Use the environment variable STAN_NUM_THREADS, e.g. STAN_NUM_THREADS=4.
  2. Set num_threads in the call to stan_sample, e.g. rc = stan_sample(sm; data, num_threads=3, num_chains=2, seed=-1)

The environment variable will take precedence and a warning will be printed if the num_threads value in the model is updated.

Currently to test on Github CI you have to define an enviroment variable in the Github workflow setting STAN_NUM_THREADS="1".


Use this package like this:

using StanSample

See the docstrings (in particular ??StanSample) for more help.


Version 5.3

  1. Enable local multithreading. Local as cmdstan needs to be built with STAN_THREADS=true (see make/local examples).

Version 5.2

  1. Switch use CMDSTAN environment variable

version 5.1

  1. Testing with conda based install (Windows, but also other platforms)

Versions 5.0

  1. Docs updates.
  2. Fix for DimensionalData v0.19.1 (@dim no longer exported)
  3. Added DataFrame parameter blocking option.

Version 5.0.0

  1. Keyword based SampleModel and stan_sample().
  2. Dropped dependency on StanBase.
  3. Needs cmdstan 2.28.1 (for num_threads).
  4. tmpdir now positional argument in SampleZModel.
  5. Refactor src dir (add common subdir).
  6. stan_sample() is now an alias for stan_run().

Version 4.3.0

  1. Added keywords seed and n_chains to stan_sample().
  2. SampleModel no longer uses shared fields (prep work for v5).

version 4.2.0

  1. Minor updates
  2. Added test for MCMCChains

Version 4.1.0

  1. The addition of :dimarray and :dimarrays output_format (see ?read_samples).
  2. No longer re-exporting many previously exported packages.
  3. The use of Requires.jl to enable most output_format options.
  4. All example scripts have been moved to Stan.jl (because of item 3).

Version 4.0.0 (BREAKING RELEASE!)

  1. Make KeyedArray chains the read_samples() default output.
  2. Drop the output_format kwarg, e.g.: read_samples(model, :dataframe).
  3. Default output format is KeyedArray chains, i.e.: chns = read_samples(model).

Version 3.1.0

  1. Introduction of Tables.jl interface as an output_format option (:table).
  2. Overloading Tables.matrix to group a variable in Stan's output file as a matrix.
  3. Re-used code in read_csv_files() for generated_quantities.
  4. The read_samples() method now consistently applies keyword arguments start and chains.
  5. The table for each chain output_format is :tables.

Version 3.0.1

  1. Thanks to the help of John Wright (@jwright11) all StanJulia packages have been tested on Windows. Most functionality work, with one exception. Stansummary.exe fails on Windows if warmup samples have been saved.

Version 3.0.0

  1. By default read_samples(model) will return a NamedTuple with all chains appended.
  2. output_format=:namedtuples will provide a NamedTuple with separate chains.

Version 2.2.5

  1. Thanks to @yiyuezhuo, a function extract has been added to simplify grouping variables into a NamedTuple.
  2. read_sample() output_format argument has been extended with an option to request conversion to a NamedTuple.

Version 2.2.4

  1. Dropped the use of pmap in StanBase