andrewsplot(args...; kw...)

Shows each row of an array (or table) as a line. The x argument specifies a grouping variable. This is a way to visualize structure in high-dimensional data. #Examples

using RDatasets, StatPlots
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
@df iris andrewsplot(:Species, cols(1:4))
`@df d x`

Convert every symbol in the expression x with the respective column in d if it exists.

If you want to avoid replacing the symbol, escape it with ^.

NA values are replaced with NaN for columns of Float64 and "" or Symbol() for strings and symbols respectively.

x can be either a plot command or a block of plot commands.

`@df x`

Curried version of @df d x. Outputs an anonymous function d -> @df d x.


Returns optimal histogram edge positions in accordance to Wand (1995)'s criterion'


Returns optimal histogram bin widths in accordance to Wand (1995)'s criterion'