L-shaped solvers

Documentation for StochasticPrograms.jl's L-shaped solvers.




Functor object for the L-shaped algorithm.


Algorithm parameters

  • τ::AbstractFloat = 1e-6: Relative tolerance for convergence checks.
  • debug::Bool = false: Specifies if extra information should be saved for debugging purposes. Defaults to false for memory efficiency.
  • cut_scaling::AbstractFloat = 1.0: Rescaling factor for cutting planes to improve numerical stability.
  • log::Bool = true: Specifices if L-shaped procedure should be logged on standard output or not.



An optimizer attribute for specifying an aggregation procedure to be used in the L-shaped algorithm. Options are:

Optimizer(; <keyword arguments>)

Return an L-shaped optimizer. ...


  • master_optimizer::AbstractOptimizer: MathOptInterface solver capable of solving linear (and possibly quadratic) programs.
  • subproblem_optimizer::AbstractOptimizer: Optionally specify a different solver for the subproblems.
  • feasibility_cuts::Bool = false: Specify if feasibility cuts should be used
  • regularize::AbstractRegularizer = DontRegularize(): Specify regularization procedure (DontRegularize, RegularizedDecomposition/RD/WithRegularizedDecomposition, TrustRegion/TR/WithTrustRegion, LevelSet/LV/WithLevelSets).
  • aggregate::AbstractAggregator = DontAggregate(): Specify aggregation procedure (DontAggregate, Aggregate, PartialAggregate, DynamicAggregate, ClusterAggregate, GranulatedAggregate, HybridAggregate)
  • consolidate::AbstractConsolidator = DontConsolidate(): Specify consolidation procedure (DontConsolidate, Consolidate)
  • execution::Execution = Serial: Specify how algorithm should be executed (Serial, Synchronous, Asynchronous). Distributed variants requires worker cores.
  • <keyword arguments>: Algorithm specific parameters, See ?LShaped for list of possible arguments and default values.


set_aggregation_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, pairs::Pair...)

Given a list of attribute => value pairs or a collection of keyword arguments, calls set_aggregation_attribute(stochasticprogram, attribute, value) for each pair.

set_consolidation_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, pairs::Pair...)

Given a list of attribute => value pairs or a collection of keyword arguments, calls set_consolidation_attribute(stochasticprogram, attribute, value) for each pair.

set_regularization_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, pairs::Pair...)

Given a list of attribute => value pairs or a collection of keyword arguments, calls set_regularization_attribute(stochasticprogram, attribute, value) for each pair.



Functor object for using serial execution in a lshaped algorithm. Create by supplying a Serial object through execution in the LShapedSolver factory function and then pass to a StochasticPrograms.jl model.


Functor object for using synchronous execution in an L-shaped algorithm (assuming multiple Julia cores are available). Create by supplying a Synchronous object through execution in the LShapedSolver factory function and then pass to a StochasticPrograms.jl model.


Functor object for using synchronous execution in an L-shaped algorithm (assuming multiple Julia cores are available). Create by supplying a Asynchronous object through execution in the LShapedSolver factory function and then pass to a StochasticPrograms.jl model.




Factory object for CombinatorialCuts. Pass to integer_strategy in LShaped.Optimizer or set the IntegerStrategy attribute.



  • lower_bound::AbstractFloat = -1e10: Set a lower bound on the second-stage objective, removing the need to approximate it.
  • alternate::Bool = false: Specify if algorithm should alternate between solving relaxed problems (generating regular optimality cuts) and unrelaxed problems (generating combinatorial cuts)
  • update_L_every::Integer = 0: Set the frequency at which the lower bound approximation should be updated. Only approximate once if set to zero.
  • optimizer = nothing: Optionally specify an optimizer used to solve auxilliary problems in the LiftAndProject or CuttingPlaneTree strategies.



Factory object for using convexification to handle integer recourse. Pass to integer_strategy in LShaped.Optimizer or set the IntegerStrategy attribute.



  • maximum_iterations::Integer = 1: Determines the number of iterations spent generating cutting-planes each time a subproblem is solved.
  • strategy::ConvexificationStrategy = Gomory(): Specify convexification strategy (Gomory, LiftAndProject, CuttingPlaneTree)
  • optimizer = nothing: Optionally specify an optimizer used to solve auxilliary problems in the LiftAndProject or CuttingPlaneTree strategies.



set_regularization_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, pairs::Pair...)

Given a list of attribute => value pairs or a collection of keyword arguments, calls set_regularization_attribute(stochasticprogram, attribute, value) for each pair.


Functor object for using regularized decomposition regularization in an L-shaped algorithm. Create by supplying an RD object through regularize in LShaped.Optimizer or by setting the Regularizer attribute.



  • σ::AbstractFloat = 1.0: Initial value of regularization parameter. Controls the relative penalty of the deviation from the current major iterate.
  • σ̅::AbstractFloat = 4.0: Maximum value of the regularization parameter.
  • σ̲::AbstractFloat = 0.5: Minimum value of the regularization parameter.
  • log::Bool = true: Specifices if L-shaped procedure should be logged on standard output or not.
  • penaltyterm::PenaltyTerm = Quadratic: Specify penaltyterm variant (Quadratic, InfNorm, [ManhattanNorm][@ref])



Functor object for using trust-region regularization in an L-shaped algorithm. Create by supplying a TR object through regularize in LShaped.Optimizer or by setting the Regularizer attribute.



  • γ::T = 1e-4: Relative tolerance for deciding if a minor iterate should be accepted as a new major iterate.
  • Δ::AbstractFloat = 1.0: Initial size of ∞-norm trust-region.
  • Δ̅::AbstractFloat = 1000.0: Maximum size of ∞-norm trust-region.



Factory object for TrustRegion. Pass to regularize in LShaped.Optimizer or set the Regularizer attribute.. Equivalent factory calls: TR, WithTR, TrustRegion, WithTrustRegion. See ?TrustRegion for parameter descriptions.


Functor object for using level-set regularization in an L-shaped algorithm. Create by supplying an LV object through regularize in LShaped.Optimizer or by setting the Regularizer attribute.



  • λ::AbstractFloat = 0.5: Controls the level position L = (1-λ)θ + λQ̃, a convex combination of the current lower and upper bound.
  • penaltyterm::PenaltyTerm = Quadratic: Specify penaltyterm variant (Quadratic, InfNorm, [ManhattanNorm][@ref])



Factory object for LevelSet. Pass to regularize in LShaped.Optimizer or set the Regularizer attribute. Equivalent factory calls: LV, WithLV, LevelSet, WithLevelSets. See ?LevelSet for parameter descriptions.


set_aggregation_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, pairs::Pair...)

Given a list of attribute => value pairs or a collection of keyword arguments, calls set_aggregation_attribute(stochasticprogram, attribute, value) for each pair.


Functor object for using complete aggregation in an L-shaped algorithm. Create by supplying an Aggregate object through aggregate in the LShapedSolver factory function and then pass to a StochasticPrograms.jl model.


Functor object for using dynamic aggregation in an L-shaped algorithm. Create by supplying a DynamicAggregate object through aggregate in LShaped.Optimizer or by setting the Aggregator attribute.

The following selection rules are available



  • num_aggregates::Int: Number of aggregates
  • rule::SelectionRule: Rule that determines which aggregate an incoming cut should be placed in
  • lock_after::Function = (τ,n)->false: Function that determines if the current aggregation scheme should be fixed, based on the current optimality gap τ and the number of iterations n



Functor object for using cluster aggregation in an L-shaped algorithm. Create by supplying a ClusterAggregate object through aggregate in LShaped.Optimizer or by setting the Aggregator attribute.

The following cluster rules are available



  • rule::ClusterRule: Rule that determines how cuts should be sorted into clusters
  • lock_after::Function = (τ,n)->false: Function that determines if the current aggregation scheme should be fixed, based on the current optimality gap τ and the number of iterations n



Functor object for using hybrid aggregation in an L-shaped algorithm. Create by supplying a HybridAggregate object through aggregate in LShaped.Optimizer or by setting the Aggregator attribute.



  • initial::AbstractAggregator: Initial aggregation scheme
  • final::AbstractAggregator: Final aggregation scheme
  • τ::T: The active aggregation scheme is switched from initial to final when the optimality gap decreases below τ


Selection rules

SelectClosest(τ::AbstractFloat; distance::Function = absolute_distance)

Incoming cuts are placed into the closest aggregate, according the supplied distance function. An empty aggregate is chosen if no aggregate is within the tolerance τ

The following distance measures are available

Cluster rules

Hierarchical(nclusters::Int; distance::Function = absolute_distance, linkage::Symbol = :single)

Buffered cuts are sorted into nclusters clusters, using a Hierarchical algorithm, with the given linkage, over a generalized distance matrix.

The following distance measures are available

Distance measures


set_consolidation_attributes(stochasticprogram::StochasticProgram, pairs::Pair...)

Given a list of attribute => value pairs or a collection of keyword arguments, calls set_consolidation_attribute(stochasticprogram, attribute, value) for each pair.


Functor object for using consolidation in an L-shaped algorithm. Create by supplying a Consolidate object through consolidate in LShaped.Optimizer or by setting the Consolidator attribute.


Algorithm parameters

  • tresh::T = 0.95: Relative amount of redundant cuts in a former iteration required to consider the iteration redundant
  • at::Int = 5.0: Number of times an iteration can be redundant before consolidation is triggered
  • rebuild::Function = at_tolerance(): Function deciding when the master model should be rebuilt according to performed consolidations


at_tolerance(τ = 0.4, miniter = 0)

Rebuild master when at least nconsolidations*miniter iterations has passed and the ratio of number of cuts in the consolidated collection and the number of cuts in the master model has decreased below τ.