
Convert BFloat16sr to Float32 by padding trailing zeros.


Convert to BFloat16sr from Float32 via round-to-nearest and tie to even. Identical to BFloat16(::Float32).

rand_subnormal(rbits::UInt32) -> Float32

Create a random perturbation for the Float16 subnormals for stochastic rounding of Float32 -> Float16. This function samples uniformly from [-2.980232f-8,2.9802319f-8]. This function is algorithmically similar to randfloat from RandomNumbers.jl

rand_subnormal(rbits::UInt64) -> Float64

Create a random perturbation for the Float16 subnormals for stochastic rounding of Float32 -> Float16. This function samples uniformly from [-7.0064923216240846e-46,7.006492321624084e-46]. This function is algorithmically similar to randfloat from RandomNumbers.jl