

Calculate internal forces and moments from a structural member's deformed shape.


Positive deformations and twist are defined in the figure below. Positive internal moments, bimoment, and torsion follow the right hand rule.



M = d2Δ/dz2*E*I

M = moment(z, Δ, E, I)

V = d3Δ/dz3*E*I

V = shear(z, Δ, E, I)

T = GJ*dϕ/dz - ECw*dϕ3/dz3

T = torsion(z, ϕ, E, G, J, Cw)

B = ECwd2ϕ/dz

B = bimoment(z, ϕ, E, Cw)


Calculate the internal forces and moments for a 25 ft. simple span Z-section purlin. Consistent units of kips and inches are used. The purlin is loaded at the center of the top flange with a uniform downward gravity load.

using StructuresKit

#calculate beam deformed shape with PlautBeam

#L dL SectionProperties MaterialProperties LoadLocation BracingProperties CrossSectionDimensions
memberDefinitions = [(25*12, 6.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)]

#location where u=v=ϕ=0
supports = [0.0 25.0*12]

#end boundary conditions
#type=1 u''=v''=ϕ''=0 (simply supported), type=2 u'=v'=ϕ'=0  (fixed), type=3 u''=v''=ϕ''=u'''=v'''=ϕ'''=0 (free end, e.g., a cantilever)
endBoundaryConditions = [1 1]

                      #Ix Iy Ixy J Cw
sectionProperties = [(9.18, 1.28, -2.47, 0.00159, 15.1)]

                          #E  ν
materialProperties = [(29500, 0.30)]

                        #ax         ay
loadLocation = [((2.250-0.070/2)/2, 4.0)]

                      #kx  kϕ
springStiffness = [(0.0, 0.0)]

             #qx   qy
uniformLoad=(0.0, 0.001)

z, u, v, ϕ, beamProperties = PlautBeam.solve(memberDefinitions, sectionProperties, materialProperties, loadLocation, springStiffness, endBoundaryConditions, supports, uniformLoad)

#note -u and -v below because PlautBeam positive deformation directions are reversed
Mxx = InternalForces.moment(z, -v, beamProperties.E, beamProperties.Ix)
Myy = InternalForces.moment(z, -u, beamProperties.E, beamProperties.Iy)
Vyy = InternalForces.shear(z, -v, beamProperties.E, beamProperties.Ix)
Vxx = InternalForces.shear(z, -u, beamProperties.E, beamProperties.Iy)
T = InternalForces.torsion(z, ϕ, beamProperties.E, beamProperties.G, beamProperties.J, beamProperties.Cw)
B = InternalForces.bimoment(z, ϕ, beamProperties.E, beamProperties.Cw)

#plot beam moment, shear, torsion, and bimoment

using Plots
plot(z, Mxx)
plot(z, Myy)
plot(z, Vyy)
plot(z, Vxx)
plot(z, T)
plot(z, B)

Numerical solution

Internal forces and moments are calculated with finite difference derivative operators, e.g., Mxx=Azz*v*E*I. Derivative operators are defined using DiffEqOperators.jl.

Verification and testing log


Test moment and shear calculation for a simply-supported beam.


Test torsion calculation for a simply-supported beam with twist fixed warping free ends. ax=1.0 in., offset uniform load


Test shear and moment calculations for a cantilever beam.


Test shear and moment calculations for a three span continuous beam.


Test bimoment calculation for a simple span beam.

Tests needed

None at this time