
A julian implementation of sum types. Sum types, sometimes called 'tagged unions' are the type system equivalent of the disjoint union operation (which is not a union in the traditional sense). From a category theory perspective, sum types are interesting because they are dual to Tuples (whatever that means).

At the end of the day, a sum type is really just a fancy word for a container that can store data of a few different, pre-declared types and is labelled by how it was instantiated.

Users of statically typed programming languages often prefer Sum types to unions because it makes type checking easier. In a dynamic language like julia, the benefit of these objects is less obvious, but perhaps someone can find a fun use case.

Let's explore a very fundamental sum type (fundamental in the sense that all other sum types may be derived from it):

julia> using SumTypes

julia> @sum_type Either{A, B} begin
           Left{A, B}(::A)
           Right{A, B}(::B)

This says that we have a sum type Either{A, B}, and it can hold a value that is either of type A or of type B. Either has two 'constructors' which we have called Left{A,B} and Right{A,B}. These exist essentially as a way to have instances of Either carry a record of how they were constructed by being wrapped in dummy structs named Left or Right. Here we construct some instances of Either:

julia> Left{Int, Int}(1)
Either{Int64, Int64}: Left(1)

julia> Right{Int, Float64}(1.0)
Either{Int64, Float64}: Right(1.0)

Note that unlike Union{A, B}, A <: Either{A,B} is false, and Either{A, A} is distinct from A.

Here's a recursive List sum type:

julia> @sum_type List{A, L} begin 
           Nil{A, L}()
           Cons{A, L}(::A, ::L) 

julia> Nil{Int, List}()
List{Int64, List}: Nil()

julia> Cons{Int, List}(1, Cons{Int, List}(1, Nil{Int, List}()))
List{Int64, List}: Cons(1, List{Int64, List}: Cons(1, List{Int64, List}: Nil()))

On Julia 1.5+, there's an evil trick to have mutually recursive types without the 'reduntant' parameter. Here's a recursive list sum type using that trick (don't use this in serious code. At the very least, it has a problem in github actions, though it works fine for me locally)

julia> @sum_type List{A} begin 
	       Cons{A}(::A, ::List{A}) 
       end recursive=true

julia> Nil{Int}()
List{Int64}: Nil()

julia> Cons{Int}(1, Cons{Int}(1, Nil{Int}()))
List{Int64}: Cons(1, List{Int64}: Cons(1, List{Int64}: Nil()))

You can also use sum types to define a type level enum:

julia> @sum_type Fruit begin

julia> Apple()
Fruit: Apple()

julia> Banana()
Fruit: Banana()

julia> Orange()
Fruit: Orange()

Pattern matching on Sum types

Because of the structure of sum types, they lend themselves naturally to things like pattern matching. SumTypes.jl exposes a @case macro for defining pattern matching cases:

@case Either f((x,)::Left)  = x + 1
@case Either f((x,)::Right) = x - 1
l = Left{Int, Int}(1)
r = Right{Int, Int}(1)

julia> f(l)

julia> f(r)

Calling f on an Either type will use manually unrolled dispatch, rather than julia's automatic dynamic dispatch machinery. That is, the above code becomes a series of if/else statements rather than a real dynamic dispatch.

You can use SumTypes.iscomplete to check if all the cases of a sum type are covered:

@sum_type MyBool begin
@case MyBool g(::True) = "All good!"

julia> SumTypes.iscomplete(g, MyBool)

For more advanced mattern matching utilities, consider MLStyle.jl.