
SymbolicUtils.jl provides various utilities for symbolic computing.

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Symbols and expressions

Symbols can be created using the @syms macro:

julia> using SymbolicUtils

julia> @syms a::Integer b c d x::Real y::Number
(a, b, c, d, x, y)

This macro also defines the Julia variables of the same name and each is set to the its respective symbolic object.

The associated type T in the @syms a::T syntax, called symtype of the symbol, is the type the value of the symbol is supposed to be of. These types may determine the rules of symbolic simplification.

Arithmetic and math functions are defined on symbols and return Term objects which represent function call expressions.

Symbols can be defined to behave like functions. Both the input and output types for the function can be specified. Any application to that function will only admit either values of those types or symbols of the same symtype.

julia> @syms f(x) g(x::Real, y::Real)::Real
(f(::Number)::Number, g(::Real, ::Real)::Real)

julia> f(c)

julia> g(1, x)
g(1, x)

Symbolic simplification

Use the simplify function to apply a built in list of rules to simplify an expression:

julia> simplify(a + b + (x * y) + c + 2 * (x * y) + d + sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 - y^0)
((3 * x * y) + a + b + c + d)

Pattern matching and rewriting

Expression rewriting rules can be created using the @rule macro @rule LHS => RHS.

Creates a Rule object. A rule object is callable, and takes an expression and rewrites it if it matches the LHS pattern to the RHS pattern, returns nothing otherwise. The rule language is described below.

LHS can be any possibly nested function call expression where any of the arugments can optionally be a Slot (~x) or a Segment (~~x) (described below).

If an expression matches LHS entirely, then it is rewritten to the pattern in the RHS Segment (~x) and slot variables (~~x) on the RHS will substitute the result of the matches found for these variables in the LHS.


A Slot variable is written as ~x and matches a single expression. x is the name of the variable. If a slot appears more than once in an LHS expression then expression matched at every such location must be equal (as shown by isequal).


Simple rule to turn any sin into cos:

julia> @syms a b c
(a, b, c)

julia> r = @rule sin(~x) => cos(~x)
sin(~x) => cos(~x)

julia> r(sin(1+a))
cos((1 + a))

A rule with 2 segment variables

julia> r = @rule ~x - ~y => ~x + (-(~y))
~x - ~y => ~x + -(~y)

julia> r(a-2b)
(a + (-(2 * b)))

A rule that matches two of the same expressions:

julia> r = @rule sin(~x)^2 + cos(~x)^2 => 1
sin(~x) ^ 2 + cos(~x) ^ 2 => 1

julia> r(sin(2a)^2 + cos(2a)^2)

julia> r(sin(2a)^2 + cos(a)^2)
# nothing


A Segment variable is written as ~~x and matches zero or more expressions in the function call.


This implements the distributive property of multiplication: +(~~ys) matches expressions like a + b, a+b+c and so on. On the RHS ~~ys presents as any old julia array.

julia> r = @rule ~x * +((~~ys)) => sum(map(y-> ~x * y, ~~ys));

julia> r(2 * (a+b+c))
((2 * a) + (2 * b) + (2 * c))


Predicates can be used on both ~x and ~~x by using the ~x::f or ~~x::f. Here f can be any julia function. In the case of a slot the function gets a single matched subexpression, in the case of segment, it gets an array of matched expressions.

The predicate should return true if the current match is acceptable, and false otherwise.

julia> two_πs(x::Number) = abs(round(x/(2π)) - x/(2π)) < 10^-9
two_πs (generic function with 1 method)

julia> two_πs(x) = false
two_πs (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> r = @rule sin(~~x + ~y::two_πs + ~~z) => sin(+(~~x..., ~~z...))
sin(~(~x) + ~(y::two_πs) + ~(~z)) => sin(+(~(~x)..., ~(~z)...))

julia> r(sin(a+3π))

julia> r(sin(a+6π))

julia> r(sin(a+6π+c))
sin((a + c))

The predicate function gets an array of values if attached to a segment variable (~~x).

Associative-Commutative Rules

Given an expression f(x, f(y, z, u), v, w), a f is said to be associative if the expression is equivalent to f(x, y, z, u, v, w) and commutative if the order of arguments does not matter. SymbolicUtils has a special @acrule macro meant for rules on functions which are associate and commutative such as addition and multiplication of real and complex numbers.

julia> @syms x y
(x, y)

julia> acr = @acrule((~y)^(~n) * ~y => (~y)^(~n+1))
ACRule((~y) ^ ~n * ~y => (~y) ^ (~n + 1))

julia> acr(x^2 * y * x)
((x ^ 3) * y)


Rules are applied to an entire term, they do not see sub-terms

julia> using SymbolicUtils

julia> @syms x y
(x, y)

julia> r = @rule sin(~x) => cos(~x)
sin(~x) => cos(~x)

julia> r(sin(sin(sin(y))))

however, SymbolicUtils also defines a RuleSet type which stores a Vector of rules. RuleSets when applied to terms will recursively walk through the expression and apply each of it's consitituent rules until the term stops changing.

julia> R = RuleSet([r, @rule(~x + 1 => ~x - 1)])
RuleSet(SymbolicUtils.AbstractRule[sin(~x) => cos(~x), ~x + 1 => ~x - 1])

julia> R(sin(sin(sin(x + 1))))
cos(cos(cos((-1 + x))))

You can use the keyword argument depth to set a maximum number of recursions that a RuleSet is allowed to do

julia> R(sin(sin(sin(x -1))), depth=2)
cos(cos(sin((x + -1))))

Interfacing with SymbolicUtils.jl

This section is for Julia package developers who may want to use the simplify and rule rewriting system on their own expression types.

Our intention is for SymbolicUtils to be useful even for packages with their own custom symbolic types which differ from those offered by SymbolicUtils. To this end, SymbolicUtils provides an interface to convert expression tree types which have

  • an operation, (i.e. function to apply)
  • arguments which the operation is applied to
  • variable types which are the atoms from which the expression tree is built
  • optionally, a type which should typeof(operation(arguments...)) should return if it were to be run.

SymbolicUtils uses a function to_symbolic to convert aribtrarty types to it's own internal types.

The following methods should be defined for an expression tree type T with symbol types S to work with SymbolicUtils.jl


Check if x represents an expression tree. If returns true, it will be assumed that operation(::T) and arguments(::T) methods are defined. Definining these three should allow use of simplify on custom types. Optionally symtype(x) can be defined to return the expected type of the symbolic expression.


Returns the operation (a function object) performed by an expression tree. Called only if istree(::T) is true. Part of the API required for simplify to work. Other required methods are arguments and istree


Returns the arguments (a Vector) for an expression tree. Called only if istree(x) is true. Part of the API required for simplify to work. Other required methods are operation and istree


Convert your variable type to a SymbolicUtils.Sym. Suppose you have

struct MySymbol

which could represent any type symbolically, then you would define

SymbolicUtils.to_symbolic(s::MySymbol) = SymbolicUtils.Sym(s.s)



The supposed type of values in the domain of x. Tracing tools can use this type to pick the right method to run or analyse code.

This defaults to typeof(x) if x is numeric, or Any otherwise. For the types defined in this package, namely T<:Symbolic{S} it is S.

Define this for your symbolic types if you want simplify to apply rules specific to numbers (such as commutativity of multiplication). Or such rules that may be implemented in the future.

promote_symtype(f, arg_symtypes...)

Returns the appropriate output type of applying f on arguments of type arg_symtypes.


Suppose you were feeling the temptations of type piracy and wanted to make a quick and dirty symbolic library built on top of Julia's Expr type, e.g.

for f ∈ [:+, :-, :*, :/, :^] #Note, this is type piracy!
    @eval begin
        Base.$f(x::Union{Expr, Symbol}, y::Number) = Expr(:call, $f, x, y)
        Base.$f(x::Number, y::Union{Expr, Symbol}) = Expr(:call, $f, x, y)
        Base.$f(x::Union{Expr, Symbol}, y::Union{Expr, Symbol}) = (Expr(:call, $f, x, y))

julia> ex = 1 + (:x - 2)
:((+)(1, (-)(x, 2)))

How can we use SymbolicUtils.jl to convert ex to (-)(:x, 1)? We simply implement istree, operation, arguments and to_symbolic and we'll be off to the races:

using SymbolicUtils: Sym, istree, operation, arguments, to_symbolic

SymbolicUtils.istree(ex::Expr) = ex.head == :call
SymbolicUtils.operation(ex::Expr) = ex.args[1]
SymbolicUtils.arguments(ex::Expr) = ex.args[2:end]
SymbolicUtils.to_symbolic(s::Symbol) = Sym(s)

julia> simplify(ex)
(-1 + x)

julia> dump(simplify(ex))
  f: + (function of type typeof(+))
  arguments: Array{Any}((2,))
    1: Int64 -1
    2: Sym{Any}
      name: Symbol x

this thing returns a Term{Any}, but it's not hard to convert back to Expr:

to_expr(t::Term) = Expr(:call, operation(t), to_expr.(arguments(t))...) 
to_expr(x) = x

julia> to_expr(simplify(ex))
:((+)(-1, x))

julia> dump(ans)
  head: Symbol call
  args: Array{Any}((3,))
    1: + (function of type typeof(+))
    2: Int64 -1
    3: Symbol x

Now suppose we actaully wanted all Symbols to be treated as Real numbers. We can simply define

SymbolicUtils.symtype(s::Symbol) = Real

julia> dump(simplify(ex))
  f: + (function of type typeof(+))
  arguments: Array{Any}((2,))
    1: Int64 -1
    2: Sym{Real}
      name: Symbol x

and now all our analysis is able to figure out that the Terms are Numbers.


  • The pattern matcher is an adaption of the one by Gerald Jay Sussman (as seen in 6.945 at MIT), his use of symbolic programming in the book SICM inspired this package.
  • Rewrite.jl and Simplify.jl by Harrison Grodin also inspired this package.