
Stable Dev

CI codecov


Taxonomy.jl is a julia package to handle NCBI-formatted taxonomic databases. The main features are:

  • Convert a name to taxids
  • Traverse taxonomic subtrees from a given taxon
  • Compute the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of given taxons
  • Evaluate ancestor/descendant relationships between two taxa
  • Filter taxa by rank range
  • Construct taxonomic lineage of the given taxon
  • Reformat lineage according to canonical ranks
  • Construct a DataFrame from lineages

Now, this package only supports scientific name.


Install Taxonomy.jl as follows:

julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Taxonomy")'

Download database

You need to download taxonomic data from NCBI's servers.

tar xzvf taxdump.tar.gz