
Statically sized tensors and related operations for Julia

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Tensorial provides useful tensor operations (e.g., contraction; tensor product, ; inv; etc.) written in the Julia programming language. The library supports arbitrary size of non-symmetric and symmetric tensors, where symmetries should be specified to avoid wasteful duplicate computations. The way to give a size of the tensor is similar to StaticArrays.jl, and symmetries of tensors can be specified by using @Symmetry. For example, symmetric fourth-order tensor (symmetrizing tensor) is represented in this library as Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}, @Symmetry{3,3}}}. Any tensors can also be used in provided automatic differentiation functions.


a = rand(Vec{3})                         # vector of length 3
A = rand(SecondOrderTensor{3})           # 3x3 second order tensor
S = rand(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{3})  # 3x3 symmetric second order tensor
B = rand(Tensor{Tuple{3,3,3}})           # 3x3x3 third order tensor
AA = rand(FourthOrderTensor{3})          # 3x3x3x3 fourth order tensor
SS = rand(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{3}) # 3x3x3x3 symmetric fourth order tensor (symmetrizing tensor)

See here for above aliases.

Single contraction
a ⋅ a1.428 ns12.063 ns×8.4
A ⋅ a1.512 ns72.174 ns×47.7
S ⋅ a1.591 ns71.682 ns×45.1
Double contraction
A ⊡ A2.722 ns12.549 ns×4.6
S ⊡ S2.196 ns12.767 ns×5.8
B ⊡ A3.985 ns162.974 ns×40.9
AA ⊡ A7.977 ns173.801 ns×21.8
SS ⊡ S3.932 ns174.286 ns×44.3
Tensor product
a ⊗ a1.809 ns50.640 ns×28.0
Cross product
a × a1.809 ns50.640 ns×28.0
det(A)1.442 ns201.691 ns×139.9
det(S)1.680 ns202.007 ns×120.2
inv(A)7.084 ns508.010 ns×71.7
inv(S)4.605 ns504.208 ns×109.5
inv(AA)836.618 ns1.545 μs×1.8
inv(SS)318.336 ns1.654 μs×5.2

The benchmarks are generated by runbenchmarks.jl on the following system:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.6.0
Commit f9720dc2eb (2021-03-24 12:55 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0)
  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2150B CPU @ 3.00GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-11.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake-avx512)


pkg> add Tensorial

Cheat Sheet

# identity tensors
one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})            == Matrix(1I,3,3) # second-order identity tensor
one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}}}) == Matrix(1I,3,3) # symmetric second-order identity tensor
I  = one(Tensor{NTuple{4,3}})               # fourth-order identity tensor
Is = one(Tensor{NTuple{2, @Symmetry{3,3}}}) # symmetric fourth-order identity tensor

# zero tensors
zero(Tensor{Tuple{2,3}}) == zeros(2, 3)
zero(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}}}) == zeros(3, 3)

# random tensors

# macros (same interface as StaticArrays.jl)
@Vec [1,2,3]
@Vec rand(4)
@Mat [1 2
      3 4]
@Mat rand(4,4)
@Tensor rand(2,2,2)

# contraction and tensor product
x = rand(Mat{2,2})
y = rand(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}})
x  y isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2,@Symmetry{2,2}}} # tensor product
x  y isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}                # single contraction (x_ij * y_jk)
x  y isa Real                              # double contraction (x_ij * y_ij)

# norm/tr/mean/vol/dev
x = rand(SecondOrderTensor{3}) # equal to rand(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})
v = rand(Vec{3})
mean(x) == tr(x) / 3 # useful for computing mean stress
vol(x) + dev(x) == x # decomposition into volumetric part and deviatoric part

# det/inv for 2nd-order tensor
A = rand(SecondOrderTensor{3})          # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})
S = rand(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{3}) # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}}})
det(A); det(S)
inv(A)  A  one(A)
inv(S)  S  one(S)

# inv for 4th-order tensor
AA = rand(FourthOrderTensor{3})          # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3,3,3}})
SS = rand(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{3}) # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}, @Symmetry{3,3}}})
inv(AA)  AA  one(AA)
inv(SS)  SS  one(SS)

# Einstein summation convention (experimental)
A = rand(Mat{3,3})
B = rand(Mat{3,3})
@einsum (i,j) -> A[i,k] * B[k,j]
@einsum A[i,j] * B[i,j]

Other tensor packages
