
Term.jl is a Julia library for producing styled, beautiful terminal output, like this:

Term.jl uses a simple markup syntax to add style information to standard Julia strings. It also provides Renderable objects such as the Panel and TextBox as you can see in the example below. These too can be styled, include styled text, and they can be nested and stacked to produce structured visual displays in your terminal.

Version 1.0

If you're an early adopter of Term, I have some bad news for you (and some good). Version 1.0 introduces some breaking changes. I know, I know. But it's worth it I promise, it also has a ton of new features and improvements. The main thing you need to look out for is the markup syntax. Instead of [...] content [/...] now you need to use {...} content {/...}. That's right, curly braces instad of square. It's not a huge change!

OS concerns

Term has been tested extensively so far, but only on Mac. If you're using a Linux or Windows machine you might find some bugs that have eluded us so far. Please get in touch so that we can fix them!

`Term` and `rich`

While Term was written from scratch in Julia, it's based upon a pre-existing python library called rich. If you have never used rich, just know that it's absolutely awesome. And its creator, Will McGugan, made it open source for anyone to use. That also meant people like us could took inspiration from rich to create related packages in other languages. We are very grateful to Will, and we hope that Term will end up being a fraction as cool as rich.


In a Julia script:

using Pkg


or in the Julia REPL

julia> ]  # enters the pkg interface
pkg> add Term


The rest of the documentation is dedicated to explaining the basic concepts behind Term.jl and how to use Term to produce styled terminal text. Head to the GitHub repository to find several detailed examples or jump in the Discussions to start chatting with us.

Getting in touch

If you want to get in touch with us, the easiest way is on GitHub. You can open an issue to report a bug or ask for a new feature or join the discussions for more general chats about Term. The discussion section is also a good place to go for general questions about Term and how to use it.

Term is written to be a useful piece of software for anyone using Julia, from beginners to more advanced users. If you're comfortable writing and testing code, you can jump in right now and start actively working on Term with us. If you're not, that's totally fine. There's a lot of ways in which you can help: open an issue to report problems with Term, ask questions on GitHub, help expand the docs and examples for other users too. Or just tell us what you're experience using Term was like, any feedback can help us improve!

As mentioned, Term is inspired on rich in python. There's also a project called Spectre console which is a .NET Standard 2.0 version of rich.

In Julia there's several pre-existing packages aimed at producing styling terminal output, we note in particular: