
Test particle tracer in a static electromagnetic field.

This package supports charged particle tracing in analytic/numerical relativistic/non-relativistic

  • electric and magnetic field;
  • body force field.

All tracing are done in 3D. For a numerical field, the mesh is constructed with Meshes.jl, and the field is interpolated with the aid of Interpolations.jl. For an analytical field, the user is responsible for providing the function for calculating the field at a given spatial location. The actual tracing is done through DifferentialEquations.jl.


] add TestParticle


It would be better to understand the basic workflow of DifferentialEquations.jl before digging into TestParticle.jl. All we are doing here can be concluded as contructing the ODE system from Newton's 2nd law and preparing the field/particle data. Check more in Examples.


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