Statistical Language Model

TextAnalysis provide following different Language Models

  • MLE - Base Ngram model.
  • Lidstone - Base Ngram model with Lidstone smoothing.
  • Laplace - Base Ngram language model with Laplace smoothing.
  • WittenBellInterpolated - Interpolated Version of witten-Bell algorithm.
  • KneserNeyInterpolated - Interpolated version of Kneser -Ney smoothing.


To use the API, we first Instantiate desired model and then load it with train set

MLE(word::Vector{T}, unk_cutoff=1, unk_label="<unk>") where { T <: AbstractString}
Lidstone(word::Vector{T}, gamma:: Float64, unk_cutoff=1, unk_label="<unk>") where { T <: AbstractString}
Laplace(word::Vector{T}, unk_cutoff=1, unk_label="<unk>") where { T <: AbstractString}
WittenBellInterpolated(word::Vector{T}, unk_cutoff=1, unk_label="<unk>") where { T <: AbstractString}
KneserNeyInterpolated(word::Vector{T}, discount:: Float64=0.1, unk_cutoff=1, unk_label="<unk>") where { T <: AbstractString}
(lm::<Languagemodel>)(text, min::Integer, max::Integer)


  • word : Array of strings to store vocabulary.

  • unk_cutoff: Tokens with counts greater than or equal to the cutoff value will be considered part of the vocabulary.

  • unk_label: token for unkown labels

  • gamma: smoothing arugment gamma

  • discount: discounting factor for KneserNeyInterpolated

    for more information see docstrings of vocabulary

julia> voc = ["my","name","is","salman","khan","and","he","is","shahrukh","Khan"]

julia> train = ["khan","is","my","good", "friend","and","He","is","my","brother"]
# voc and train are used to train vocabulary and model respectively

julia> model = MLE(voc)
MLE(Vocabulary(Dict("khan"=>1,"name"=>1,"<unk>"=>1,"salman"=>1,"is"=>2,"Khan"=>1,"my"=>1,"he"=>1,"shahrukh"=>1,"and"=>1…), 1, "<unk>", ["my", "name", "is", "salman", "khan", "and", "he", "is", "shahrukh", "Khan", "<unk>"]))

julia> print(voc)
11-element Array{String,1}:

# you can see "<unk>" token is added to voc 
julia> fit = model(train,2,2) #considering only bigrams

julia> unmaskedscore = score(model, fit, "is" ,"<unk>") #score output P(word | context) without replacing context word with "<unk>"

julia> masked_score = maskedscore(model,fit,"is","alien")
#as expected maskedscore is equivalent to unmaskedscore with context replaced with "<unk>"

When you call MLE(voc) for the first time, It will update your vocabulary set as well.

Evaluation Method


used to evaluate the probability of word given context (P(word | context))

score(m::gammamodel, temp_lm::DefaultDict, word::AbstractString, context::AbstractString)


  1. m : Instance of Langmodel struct.
  2. temp_lm: output of function call of instance of Langmodel.
  3. word: string of word
  4. context: context of given word
  • In case of Lidstone and Laplace it apply smoothing and,

  • In Interpolated language model, provide Kneserney and WittenBell smoothing


  • It is used to evaluate score with masks out of vocabulary words

  • The arguments are the same as for score


  • Evaluate the log score of this word in this context.

  • The arguments are the same as for score and maskedscore


entropy(m::Langmodel,lm::DefaultDict,text_ngram::word::Vector{T}) where { T <: AbstractString}
  • Calculate cross-entropy of model for given evaluation text.

  • Input text must be Array of ngram of same lengths


  • Calculates the perplexity of the given text.

  • This is simply 2 ** cross-entropy(entropy) for the text, so the arguments are the same as entropy.


For Preprocessing following functions:

  1. everygram: Return all possible ngrams generated from sequence of items, as an Array{String,1}
julia> seq = ["To","be","or","not"]
julia> a = everygram(seq,min_len=1, max_len=-1)
 10-element Array{Any,1}:
  "or not" 
  "be or"
  "be or not"
  "To be or"
  "To be or not"
  1. padding_ngrams: padding _ngram is used to pad both left and right of sentence and out putting ngrmas of order n

    It also pad the original input Array of string

julia> example = ["1","2","3","4","5"]
julia> padding_ngrams(example,2,pad_left=true,pad_right=true)
 6-element Array{Any,1}:
  "<s> 1" 
  "1 2"
  "2 3"
  "3 4"
  "4 5"
  "5 </s>"


Struct to store Language models vocabulary

checking membership and filters items by comparing their counts to a cutoff value

It also Adds a special "unkown" tokens which unseen words are mapped to

julia> words = ["a", "c", "-", "d", "c", "a", "b", "r", "a", "c", "d"]

julia> vocabulary = Vocabulary(words, 2) 
 Vocabulary(Dict("<unk>"=>1,"c"=>3,"a"=>3,"d"=>2), 2, "<unk>") 

# lookup a sequence or words in the vocabulary
julia> word = ["a", "-", "d", "c", "a"]

julia> lookup(vocabulary ,word)
 5-element Array{Any,1}: