Running tight-binding calculations

How to run tight-binding calculations using the pre-fit tight-binding coefficients. Note, only elemental and binary systems are currently supported.


Running a julia function for the first time will compile the function. Future runs will be much faster.

Create a crystal object

Use makecrys to create a crystal from lattice vectors, atomic positions, and atom types:

using ThreeBodyTB
A = [2.1 2.1 0.0;2.1 0.0 2.1;0.0 2.1 2.1];
pos = [0.0 0.0 0.0];
types =        ["Al"];
fcc_al = makecrys(A, pos, types)
Units: Å

A1=     2.10000  2.10000  0.00000
A2=     2.10000  0.00000  2.10000
A3=     0.00000  2.10000  2.10000

Al   0.00000  0.00000  0.00000

Current default units are Angstrom and eV. You can change the global units to atomic units with set_units(both="atomic") if you prefer.

Alternatively, you can read the positions from a simple POSCAR or Quantum Espresso input file.

rbcl = makecrys("../src/POSCAR_rbcl")
Units: Å

A1=     3.90963  -0.00000  0.00000
A2=     -0.00000  3.90963  0.00000
A3=     0.00000  -0.00000  3.90963

Rb   0.00000  0.00000  0.00000
Cl   0.50000  0.50000  0.50000

Do a self-consistent calculation.

Gets the energy and charge density with scf_energy:

alp = makecrys("../src/POSCAR_alp")
energy, tbc_alp = scf_energy(alp);
println("The energy is $energy eV")
Begin scf_energy-------------

Load TB parameters from file
prepare atoms ["Al", "P"]
add_to_database Set([:P])
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/djQTk/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.2/els/coef.el.2bdy.P.xml.gz
version 2
added to cache (:P, :P)
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/djQTk/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.2/els/coef.el.3bdy.P.xml.gz
version 2
added to cache (:P, :P, :P)
add_to_database Set([:P, :Al])
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/djQTk/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.2/binary/coef.el.2bdy.Al.P.xml.gz
version 2
added to cache (:P, :Al) twobody
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/djQTk/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.2/binary/coef.el.3bdy.Al.P.xml.gz
version 2
added to cache (:P, :Al) threebody
add_to_database Set([:Al])
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/djQTk/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.2/els/coef.el.2bdy.Al.xml.gz
version 2
added to cache (:Al, :Al)
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/djQTk/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.2/els/coef.el.3bdy.Al.xml.gz
version 2
added to cache (:Al, :Al, :Al)


Construct tight-binding model from crystal structure

CHECK FRONTIER - everything fine

  9.168010 seconds (23.29 M allocations: 1.201 GiB, 8.54% gc time, 94.08% compilation time)
Mixing mode: pulay
Get initial guess from tbc
DQ: [0.0, -0.0]

smearing = 0.01 conv_thr = 1.0e-5, iters = 75, mix = 0.8, grid = missing

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.42350021
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.39235446  en_diff:   3.114575E-02  dq_diff:   9.077615E-01
SCF CALC 0003 energy  -10.37239696  en_diff:   1.995750E-02  dq_diff:   7.231044E-01
SCF CALC 0004 energy  -10.28933097  en_diff:   8.306599E-02  dq_diff:   1.452555E-01
SCF CALC 0005 energy  -10.26727897  en_diff:   2.205201E-02  dq_diff:   2.901010E-02
SCF CALC 0006 energy  -10.26272388  en_diff:   4.555090E-03  dq_diff:   5.804629E-03
SCF CALC 0007 energy  -10.26180215  en_diff:   9.217278E-04  dq_diff:   1.160782E-03
SCF CALC 0008 energy  -10.26161767  en_diff:   1.844756E-04  dq_diff:   2.321653E-04

YES convergence in 8 iters, energy -10.261617674454563 eV   dq = [-1.163, 1.163]
END SCF ------------------

scf_energy success, done

The energy is -10.261617674454563 eV

This returns the (non-magnetic) atomization energy, and a tight-binding object with the TB matrix elements and SCF electron density calculated for post-processing.

Plot the band structure.

Using the tb_crys tight-binding object tbc_alp from above. Note: SCF must be done first.

plot_bandstr(tbc_alp, do_display=false);
align vbm
color = blue markersize = 0
no display

AlP plot

Use do_display=true (the default) to produce an interactive plot. Here do_display is set to false because we are saving a static figure with savefig for the docs.

The default plot_bandstr just picks some random kpoints, but you can add your own kpath. We can also project onto the s orbital of Al.

kpath=[0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.5 0.5 0.5; 0.0 0.5 0.5];
knames=["Γ", "X", "V"];
plot_bandstr(tbc_alp, kpath=kpath, names=knames, npts=100, proj_orbs=[:s], proj_types=["Al"], do_display=false);
proj_inds [1]
align vbm
no display

AlP plot 2

You can also plot the DOS using dos

dos(tbc_alp, do_display=false);
grid [14, 14, 14]
Projection type: atomic
("P", [5, 6, 7, 8], 4)
("Al", [1, 2, 3, 4], 4)


Project onto orbitals instead with proj_type=:orbs

Calculate force / stress

With scf_energy_force_stress

energy, force, stress, tbc = scf_energy_force_stress(tbc_alp);

println("energy $energy")
show(stdout, "text/plain", force)
show(stdout, "text/plain", stress)
prepare atoms ["Al", "P"]

Calculate Force, Stress (no scf)
 21.477943 seconds (57.72 M allocations: 3.094 GiB, 9.72% gc time, 90.21% compilation time)
energy -10.261580756479562

2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 -1.37139e-11  -1.37135e-11  -1.37137e-11
  0.0           0.0           0.0
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.138528  0.0       0.0
 0.0       0.138528  0.0
 0.0       0.0       0.138528

Can also be called directly on a new crystal structure instead of a tb_crys object.

Relax structure

Using relax_structure

crys_new, tbc_updated, energy, force, stress = relax_structure(alp);

println("Energy new $energy")
show(stdout, "text/plain", force)
show(stdout, "text/plain", stress)
prepare atoms ["Al", "P"]
relax_structure conv_thr 0.002 energy_conv_thr (Ryd) 0.0002

Construct tight-binding model from crystal structure

CHECK FRONTIER - everything fine

Mixing mode: pulay
Get initial guess from tbc
DQ: [0.0, -0.0]

smearing = 0.01 conv_thr = 1.0e-7, iters = 75, mix = 0.8, grid = missing

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.42350021
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.39235446  en_diff:   3.114575E-02  dq_diff:   9.077615E-01
SCF CALC 0003 energy  -10.37239696  en_diff:   1.995750E-02  dq_diff:   7.231044E-01
SCF CALC 0004 energy  -10.28933097  en_diff:   8.306599E-02  dq_diff:   1.452555E-01
SCF CALC 0005 energy  -10.26727897  en_diff:   2.205201E-02  dq_diff:   2.901010E-02
SCF CALC 0006 energy  -10.26272388  en_diff:   4.555090E-03  dq_diff:   5.804629E-03
SCF CALC 0007 energy  -10.26180215  en_diff:   9.217278E-04  dq_diff:   1.160782E-03
SCF CALC 0008 energy  -10.26161767  en_diff:   1.844756E-04  dq_diff:   2.321653E-04
SCF CALC 0009 energy  -10.26158076  en_diff:   3.691798E-05  dq_diff:   4.643256E-05
SCF CALC 0010 energy  -10.26157337  en_diff:   7.383469E-06  dq_diff:   9.286542E-06
SCF CALC 0011 energy  -10.26157190  en_diff:   1.476750E-06  dq_diff:   1.857307E-06

YES convergence in 11 iters, energy -10.261571896261032 eV   dq = [-1.163, 1.163]
END SCF ------------------

starting vec
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Conj Grad START

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.26157160
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.26157157  en_diff:   3.244721E-08  dq_diff:   2.203338E-07

YES convergence in 2 iters, energy -10.261571568465202 eV   dq = [-1.163, 1.163]
END SCF ------------------

  2.088345 seconds (8.98 M allocations: 704.666 MiB, 12.76% gc time)

FCALL 1 en:  -0.754211325193509 (Ryd)  fsum:  9.238894857355681e-13  ssum:  0.0026132419734498577    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A1=     +2.60000  +2.60000  +0.00000  |  +0.13853  +0.00000  +0.00000
A2=     +2.60000  +0.00000  +2.60000  |  +0.00000  +0.13853  +0.00000
A3=     +0.00000  +2.60000  +2.60000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.13853

Al   +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000 |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000
P    +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000 |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.77406918
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.73232516  en_diff:   4.174402E-02  dq_diff:   1.948531E-01
SCF CALC 0003 energy  -10.72003551  en_diff:   1.228965E-02  dq_diff:   1.505436E-01
SCF CALC 0004 energy  -10.68614796  en_diff:   3.388756E-02  dq_diff:   3.139261E-02
SCF CALC 0005 energy  -10.67841771  en_diff:   7.730242E-03  dq_diff:   6.172964E-03
SCF CALC 0006 energy  -10.67689772  en_diff:   1.519994E-03  dq_diff:   1.242025E-03
SCF CALC 0007 energy  -10.67658984  en_diff:   3.078795E-04  dq_diff:   2.478466E-04
SCF CALC 0008 energy  -10.67652847  en_diff:   6.136700E-05  dq_diff:   4.961009E-05
SCF CALC 0009 energy  -10.67651618  en_diff:   1.229194E-05  dq_diff:   9.918999E-06

YES convergence in 9 iters, energy -10.676516181896682 eV   dq = [-0.949, 0.949]
END SCF ------------------

  1.562539 seconds (6.98 M allocations: 571.404 MiB, 12.73% gc time, 0.95% compilation time)

FCALL 2 en:  -0.7847091806818252 (Ryd)  fsum:  9.227596667164204e-9  ssum:  0.00019373959579528408    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A1=     +2.80318  +2.80318  +0.00000  |  -0.01027  -0.00000  -0.00000
A2=     +2.80318  +0.00000  +2.80318  |  -0.00000  -0.01027  -0.00000
A3=     +0.00000  +2.80318  +2.80318  |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.01027

Al   +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000 |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000
P    +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000 |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

MY CG quadratic linesearch iter 1 fn val: -0.7847091806818252 | rms grad: 0.057596919388920365 within_stepsize: false , old step: 0.3275188899474979 , new step_size: 0.10565125482177351
MY CG quadratic linesearch iter 2 fn val: -0.7847091806818252 | rms grad: 0.057596919388920365 within_stepsize: true , old step: 0.10565125482177351 , new step_size: 0.15847688223266027

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.68005595
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.68005582  en_diff:   1.305953E-07  dq_diff:   4.971398E-07

YES convergence in 2 iters, energy -10.680055819817516 eV   dq = [-0.959, 0.959]
END SCF ------------------

  1.512667 seconds (6.96 M allocations: 570.267 MiB, 12.19% gc time)

FCALL 3 en:  -0.7849693391759861 (Ryd)  fsum:  1.2197893514326893e-8  ssum:  0.00011613992097199466    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A1=     +2.79405  +2.79405  -0.00000  |  -0.00616  -0.00000  -0.00000
A2=     +2.79405  -0.00000  +2.79405  |  -0.00000  -0.00616  -0.00000
A3=     -0.00000  +2.79405  +2.79405  |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00616

Al   -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000 |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
P    +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000 |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000

MY CG quadratic linesearch iter 3 fn val: -0.7849693391759861 | rms grad: 0.0341908455769504 within_stepsize: true , old step: 0.15847688223266027 , new step_size: 0.2377153233489904

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.68164733
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.68164722  en_diff:   1.148513E-07  dq_diff:   4.443982E-07

YES convergence in 2 iters, energy -10.681647215759517 eV   dq = [-0.968, 0.968]
END SCF ------------------

  1.550751 seconds (6.96 M allocations: 570.267 MiB, 13.28% gc time)

FCALL 4 en:  -0.7850863045778562 (Ryd)  fsum:  5.897271768735629e-8  ssum:  4.108858643914421e-5    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A1=     +2.78591  +2.78591  -0.00000  |  -0.00218  -0.00000  -0.00000
A2=     +2.78591  -0.00000  +2.78591  |  -0.00000  -0.00218  -0.00000
A3=     -0.00000  +2.78591  +2.78591  |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00218

Al   +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000 |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000
P    +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000 |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

MY CG quadratic linesearch iter 4 fn val: -0.7850863045778562 | rms grad: 0.011990883456665921 within_stepsize: true , old step: 0.2377153233489904 , new step_size: 0.354933648697078

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.68185680
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.68186058  en_diff:   3.772649E-06  dq_diff:   1.426638E-05

YES convergence in 2 iters, energy -10.681860575934548 eV   dq = [-0.973, 0.973]
END SCF ------------------

  1.520687 seconds (6.96 M allocations: 570.273 MiB, 12.46% gc time)

FCALL 5 en:  -0.7851019862557825 (Ryd)  fsum:  3.663487348203222e-7  ssum:  2.4639528839960134e-7    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A1=     +2.78166  +2.78166  -0.00000  |  -0.00001  -0.00000  -0.00000
A2=     +2.78166  -0.00000  +2.78166  |  -0.00000  -0.00001  -0.00000
A3=     -0.00000  +2.78166  +2.78166  |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00001

Al   -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000 |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
P    +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000 |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000

yes conv sum_grad 7.168101918451657e-5 fn_diff_1 0.00011696540187011717 fn_diff_2 1.5681677926315807e-5
Relax done

Final Energy -10.681860575934548
A1=     +2.78166  +2.78166  -0.00000  |  -0.00120  -0.00000  -0.00000
A2=     +2.78166  -0.00000  +2.78166  |  -0.00000  -0.00120  -0.00000
A3=     -0.00000  +2.78166  +2.78166  |  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00120

Al   -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000 |  +0.00010  +0.00010  +0.00010
P    +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000 |  -0.00010  -0.00010  -0.00010

Energy new -10.681860575934548

2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
  3.84538e-6   3.84538e-6   3.84538e-6
 -3.84538e-6  -3.84538e-6  -3.84538e-6
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 -1.30612e-5  -5.37793e-8  -5.37793e-8
 -5.37793e-8  -1.30612e-5  -5.37793e-8
 -5.37793e-8  -5.37793e-8  -1.30612e-5

Energy is lower, stress is near zero, forces are zero by symmetry in Zinc Blende structure.

Force/Stress defaults are eV/Ang and eV/Ang^3.