Running tight-binding calculations

How to run tight-binding calculations using the pre-fit tight-binding coefficients. Note, only elemental and binary systems are currently supported.


Running a julia function for the first time will compile the function. Future runs will be much faster.

Create a crystal object

Use makecrys to create a crystal from lattice vectors, atomic positions, and atom types:

using ThreeBodyTB
A = [2.1 2.1 0.0;2.1 0.0 2.1;0.0 2.1 2.1];
pos = [0.0 0.0 0.0];
types =        ["Al"];
fcc_al = makecrys(A, pos, types)
Units: Å

A1=     2.10000  2.10000  0.00000
A2=     2.10000  0.00000  2.10000
A3=     0.00000  2.10000  2.10000

Al   0.00000  0.00000  0.00000

Current default units are Angstrom and eV. You can change the global units to atomic units with set_units(both="atomic") if you prefer.

Alternatively, you can read the positions from a simple POSCAR or Quantum Espresso input file.

rbcl = makecrys("../src/POSCAR_rbcl")
Units: Å

A1=     3.90963  0.00000  0.00000
A2=     0.00000  3.90963  0.00000
A3=     0.00000  0.00000  3.90963

Rb   0.00000  0.00000  0.00000
Cl   0.50000  0.50000  0.50000

Do a self-consistent calculation.

Gets the energy and charge density with scf_energy:

alp = makecrys("../src/POSCAR_alp")
energy, tbc_alp = scf_energy(alp);
println("The energy is $energy eV")
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/ePGdx/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.3/els/coef.el.2bdy.P.xml.gz
Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/ePGdx/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.3/els/coef.el.3bdy.P.xml.gz
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/ePGdx/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.3/binary/coef.el.2bdy.Al.P.xml.gz
Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}
Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/ePGdx/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.3/binary/coef.el.3bdy.Al.P.xml.gz
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/ePGdx/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.3/els/coef.el.2bdy.Al.xml.gz
Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}
found /juliateam/.julia/packages/ThreeBodyTB/ePGdx/src/../dats/pbesol/v1.3/els/coef.el.3bdy.Al.xml.gz

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.55408488
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.52616388  en_diff:   2.792100E-02  dq_diff:   8.846071E-01   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0003 energy  -10.50207018  en_diff:   2.409371E-02  dq_diff:   4.993416E-01   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0004 energy  -10.48518376  en_diff:   1.688642E-02  dq_diff:   2.818125E-01   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0005 energy  -10.47460640  en_diff:   1.057736E-02  dq_diff:   1.590286E-01   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0006 energy  -10.46830396  en_diff:   6.302438E-03  dq_diff:   8.973524E-02   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0007 energy  -10.46389975  en_diff:   4.404211E-03  dq_diff:   4.281269E-02   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0008 energy  -10.46175961  en_diff:   2.140138E-03  dq_diff:   2.042529E-02   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0009 energy  -10.46072973  en_diff:   1.029880E-03  dq_diff:   9.744450E-03   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0010 energy  -10.46023639  en_diff:   4.933475E-04  dq_diff:   4.648826E-03   mix: 4.800000E-01

YES convergence in 10 iters, energy -10.460236385746745 eV
END SCF ------------------

ΔQ = [-0.89, 0.89]

scf_energy success, done

Formation energy: -0.494 eV/atom

The energy is -10.460236385746745 eV

This returns the (non-magnetic) atomization energy, and a tight-binding object with the TB matrix elements and SCF electron density calculated for post-processing.

Plot the band structure.

Using the tb_crys tight-binding object tbc_alp from above. Note: SCF must be done first.

plot_bandstr(tbc_alp, do_display=false);

AlP plot

Use do_display=true (the default) to produce an interactive plot. Here do_display is set to false because we are saving a static figure with savefig for the docs.

The default plot_bandstr just picks some random kpoints, but you can add your own kpath. We can also project onto the s orbital of Al.

kpath=[0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.5 0.5 0.5; 0.0 0.5 0.5];
knames=["Γ", "X", "V"];
plot_bandstr(tbc_alp, kpath=kpath, names=knames, npts=100, proj_orbs=[:s], proj_types=["Al"], do_display=false);

AlP plot 2

You can also plot the DOS using dos

dos(tbc_alp, do_display=false);


Project onto orbitals instead with proj_type=:orbs

Symmetry-enabled plotting

Plot bandstructure path with symmetry plot_bandstr_sym:

plot_bandstr_sym(tbc_alp, do_display=false);

AlP plot 3

Plot bandstructure with DOS plot_bandstr_dos:

plot_bandstr_dos(tbc_alp, do_display=false);

AlP plot 4

Calculate force / stress

With scf_energy_force_stress

energy, force, stress, tbc = scf_energy_force_stress(tbc_alp);

println("energy $energy")
show(stdout, "text/plain", force)
show(stdout, "text/plain", stress)
Calculate Force, Stress (no scf)

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -10.46000056
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -10.45988326  en_diff:   1.173021E-04  dq_diff:   1.009740E-03   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0003 energy  -10.45984052  en_diff:   4.274270E-05  dq_diff:   5.697215E-04   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0004 energy  -10.45981640  en_diff:   2.412084E-05  dq_diff:   3.214517E-04   mix: 4.000000E-01

YES convergence in 4 iters, energy -10.459816398138532 eV
END SCF ------------------

ΔQ = [-0.89, 0.89]

Prepare to calculate Jacobian of TB object
Calculate Force / Stress
...doing stress ...doing atom 1 2.

Formation energy: -0.494 eV/atom

Lattice Vectors                       | Stress
A1=     +0.00000  +2.60000  +2.60000  |  +8.75790  +0.00000  +0.00000
A2=     +2.60000  +0.00000  +2.60000  |  +0.00000  +8.75790  +0.00000
A3=     +2.60000  +2.60000  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +8.75790

Crystal coords                        | Force (Cartesian)
Al      +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
P       +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

energy -10.459816398138532

2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0953855  0.0        0.0
 0.0        0.0953855  0.0
 0.0        0.0        0.0953855

Can also be called directly on a new crystal structure instead of a tb_crys object.

Relax structure

Using relax_structure

crys_new, tbc_updated, energy, force, stress = relax_structure(alp);

println("Energy new $energy")
show(stdout, "text/plain", force)
show(stdout, "text/plain", stress)
Units are now eV and Å
Units are now Ryd. and Bohr

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -0.77571065
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -0.77365849  en_diff:   2.052155E-03  dq_diff:   8.846071E-01   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0003 energy  -0.77188764  en_diff:   1.770854E-03  dq_diff:   4.993416E-01   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0004 energy  -0.77064651  en_diff:   1.241129E-03  dq_diff:   2.818125E-01   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0005 energy  -0.76986909  en_diff:   7.774210E-04  dq_diff:   1.590286E-01   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0006 energy  -0.76940587  en_diff:   4.632204E-04  dq_diff:   8.973524E-02   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0007 energy  -0.76908217  en_diff:   3.237034E-04  dq_diff:   4.281269E-02   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0008 energy  -0.76892487  en_diff:   1.572972E-04  dq_diff:   2.042529E-02   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0009 energy  -0.76884918  en_diff:   7.569475E-05  dq_diff:   9.744450E-03   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0010 energy  -0.76881291  en_diff:   3.626036E-05  dq_diff:   4.648826E-03   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0011 energy  -0.76879558  en_diff:   1.733259E-05  dq_diff:   2.217828E-03   mix: 4.800000E-01
SCF CALC 0012 energy  -0.76878731  en_diff:   8.276576E-06  dq_diff:   1.058063E-03   mix: 5.760000E-01
SCF CALC 0013 energy  -0.76878257  en_diff:   4.740456E-06  dq_diff:   3.941134E-04   mix: 5.760000E-01
SCF CALC 0014 energy  -0.76878080  en_diff:   1.766167E-06  dq_diff:   1.468015E-04   mix: 5.760000E-01
SCF CALC 0015 energy  -0.76878014  en_diff:   6.579292E-07  dq_diff:   5.468142E-05   mix: 5.760000E-01
SCF CALC 0016 energy  -0.76877990  en_diff:   2.450770E-07  dq_diff:   2.036803E-05   mix: 5.760000E-01
SCF CALC 0017 energy  -0.76877980  en_diff:   9.128871E-08  dq_diff:   7.586791E-06   mix: 5.760000E-01

YES convergence in 17 iters, energy -0.7687798045552247 Ryd.
END SCF ------------------

ΔQ = [-0.89, 0.89]

starting vec
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Conj Grad START

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -0.76877977
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -0.76877976  en_diff:   1.099476E-08  dq_diff:   1.286614E-06   mix: 4.000000E-01

YES convergence in 2 iters, energy -0.7687797595566049 Ryd.
END SCF ------------------

ΔQ = [-0.89, 0.89]

Prepare to calculate Jacobian of TB object
Calculate Force / Stress
...doing stress ...doing atom 1 2.

FCALL 1 en:  -0.7687797595566049 (Ryd)  fsum:  0.0  ssum:  0.0017993818141556436    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lattice Vectors                       | Stress
A1=     +0.00000  +4.91329  +4.91329  |  +0.00104  +0.00000  +0.00000
A2=     +4.91329  +0.00000  +4.91329  |  +0.00000  +0.00104  +0.00000
A3=     +4.91329  +4.91329  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00104

Crystal coords                        | Force (Cartesian)
Al      +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
P       +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -0.78843427
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -0.78843437  en_diff:   1.008046E-07  dq_diff:   8.163035E-06   mix: 4.000000E-01

YES convergence in 2 iters, energy -0.7884343681076014 Ryd.
END SCF ------------------

ΔQ = [-0.84, 0.84]

Prepare to calculate Jacobian of TB object
Calculate Force / Stress
...doing stress ...doing atom 1 2.

FCALL 2 en:  -0.7884343681076014 (Ryd)  fsum:  0.0  ssum:  0.00019702979839959412    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lattice Vectors                       | Stress
A1=     +0.00000  +5.15546  +5.15546  |  +0.00011  +0.00000  +0.00000
A2=     +5.15546  +0.00000  +5.15546  |  +0.00000  +0.00011  +0.00000
A3=     +5.15546  +5.15546  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00011

Crystal coords                        | Force (Cartesian)
Al      +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
P       +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

MY CG quadratic linesearch iter 1 fn val: -0.7884343681076014 | rms grad: 0.053996175780106376 within_stepsize: true , old step: 0.30000000000000004 , new step_size: 0.33550158929486634

START SCF ----------------
SCF CALC 0001 energy  -0.78877560
SCF CALC 0002 energy  -0.78875870  en_diff:   1.690623E-05  dq_diff:   1.299396E-03   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0003 energy  -0.78875284  en_diff:   5.855415E-06  dq_diff:   7.096452E-04   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0004 energy  -0.78874964  en_diff:   3.198620E-06  dq_diff:   3.875616E-04   mix: 4.000000E-01
SCF CALC 0005 energy  -0.78874789  en_diff:   1.747107E-06  dq_diff:   2.116606E-04   mix: 4.000000E-01

YES convergence in 5 iters, energy -0.7887478943269793 Ryd.
END SCF ------------------

ΔQ = [-0.83, 0.83]

Prepare to calculate Jacobian of TB object
Calculate Force / Stress
...doing stress ...doing atom 1 2.

FCALL 3 en:  -0.7887478943269793 (Ryd)  fsum:  0.0  ssum:  1.7632222400865774e-8    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lattice Vectors                       | Stress
A1=     +0.00000  +5.18971  +5.18971  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
A2=     +5.18971  +0.00000  +5.18971  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
A3=     +5.18971  +5.18971  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

Crystal coords                        | Force (Cartesian)
Al      +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
P       +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

Units are now eV and Å
Relax done
energy -0.7887478943269793
force [0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0]
stress [1.0179968349552788e-8 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.017996834954756e-8 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0179968349553264e-8]

Formation energy: -0.63 eV/atom

Final Energy -0.7887478943269793
Lattice Vectors                       | Stress
A1=     +0.00000  +2.74628  +2.74628  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
A2=     +2.74628  +0.00000  +2.74628  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
A3=     +2.74628  +2.74628  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

Crystal coords                        | Force (Cartesian)
Al      +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000
P       +0.25000  +0.25000  +0.25000  |  +0.00000  +0.00000  +0.00000

Energy new -10.73146570032728

2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 9.34682e-7  0.0         0.0
 0.0         9.34682e-7  0.0
 0.0         0.0         9.34682e-7

Energy is lower, stress is near zero, forces are zero by symmetry in Zinc Blende structure.

Force/Stress defaults are eV/Ang and eV/Ang^3.

Magnetic calculations

Set nspin=2, default is ferromagnetic.

c_hatom = makecrys([10.0 0 0; 0 10.0 0; 0  0 10.0], [0 0 0], [:H])
en, tbc, flag = scf_energy(c_hatom, nspin=2)
plot_bandstr(tbc, do_display=false)

H atom bands

Sparse matrix

Code will automatically try sparse matrix routines for large cells. You can set sparse=true in scf_energy and several other functions to force the use of sparse matricies, but users shouldn't have to worry about which backend is being used.