
The dogleg method.

A simple and efficient heuristic for solving local trust region problems. Does not necessarily find the optimum, but improves on the Cauchy point.

struct ForwardDiffBuffer{TX, TF, TR, TC}

A buffer for wrapping a (nonlinear) mapping f to calculate the Jacobian with ForwardDiff.jacobian.

struct LocalModel{TF<:Real, TG<:(AbstractVector{T} where T), TB<:(AbstractMatrix{T} where T)}

A quadratic model for a minimization problem, relative to the origin, with the objective function

\[m(p) = f + p' g + 1/2 g' B g\]


Stopping criterion for trust region colver.


  • residual_norm_tolerance: convergence is declared when the norm of the residual is below this value
struct TrustRegionResult{T<:Real, TX<:AbstractArray{T<:Real, 1}, TFX}


  • Δ

    The final trust region radius.

  • x

    The last value (the root only when converged).

  • fx

    f(x) at the last x.

  • residual_norm

    The Euclidean norm of the residual at x.

  • converged

    A boolean indicating convergence.

  • iterations

    Number of iterations (≈ number of function evaluations).

ForwardDiff_wrapper(f, n, jacobian_config)

Wrap an $ℝⁿ$ function f in a callable that can be used in trust_region_solver directly. Remaining parameters are passed on to ForwardDiff.JacobianConfig, and can be used to set eg chunk size.

Non-finite residuals will be treated as infeasible.

julia> f(x) = [1.0 2; 3 4] * x - ones(2)
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> ff = ForwardDiff_wrapper(f, 2)
AD wrapper via ForwardDiff for ℝⁿ→ℝⁿ function, n = 2

julia> ff(ones(2))
(r = [2.0, 6.0], J = [1.0 2.0; 3.0 4.0])

julia> trust_region_solver(ff, [100.0, 100.0])
Nonlinear solver using trust region method converged after 9 steps
  with ‖x‖₂ = 3.97e-15, Δ = 128.0
  x = [-1.0, 1.0]
  r = [-1.78e-15, 3.55e-15]
_check_residual_Jacobian(x, fx)

Checks residual and Jacobian and throws an appropriate error if they are not both finite.

Internal, each evaluation of f should call this.


Return (F, is_valid_F) where

  1. F is a form (usually a factorization) of the argument that supports F \ r for vectors r,

  2. is_valid_F is a boolean indicating whether F can be used in this form (eg false for a singular factorization).

cauchy_point(Δ, model)

Find the Cauchy point (the minimum of the linear part, subject to $\| p \| ≤ Δ$) of the problem.

Return three values:

  1. the Cauchy point vector pC,

  2. the (Euclidean) norm of pC

  3. a boolean indicating whether the constraint was binding.

Caller guarantees non-zero gradient.

dogleg_boundary(Δ, D, pC)
dogleg_boundary(Δ, D, pC, pC_norm)

Finds au such that

\[\| p_C + τ D \|_2 = Δ\]

pC_norm is \| p_C \|_2^2, and can be provided when available.

Caller guarantees that

  1. pC_norm ≤ Δ,

  2. norm(pC + D, 2) ≥ Δ.

  3. dot(pC, D) ≥ 0.

These ensure a meaningful solution 0 ≤ τ ≤ 1. None of them are checked explicitly.

dogleg_implementation(Δ, model, pU, pU_norm)

Implements the branch of the dogleg method where it is already determined that the unconstrained optimum is lies outside the Δ ball. Returns the same kind of results as solve_model.

ges_kernel(Δ, model, S)

Kernel for the generalized eigenvalue solver (methods specialize on the ellipsoidal norm matrix S). Solves the M̃(λ) pencil in Adachi et al (2017), eg Algorithm 5.1.


  • λ, the largest eigenvalue,

  • the gap to the next eigenvalue (see note below)

  • y1 and y2, the two parts of the corresponding generalized eigenvalue,

All values are real, methods are type stable.

When theorerical assumptions are violated, gap will be non-finite and a debug statement is emitted. No other values should be used in this case.

local_residual_model(r, J)

Let r and J be residuals and their Jacobian at some point. We construct a local model as

\[m(p) = 1/2 \| J p - r \|^2_2 = \| r \|^2_2 + p' J ' r + 1/2 p' J' J p\]

reduction_ratio(model, p, p_objective)

Ratio between predicted (using model, at p) and actual reduction (using p_objective, the minimand at p).

Will return an arbitrary negative number for infeasible coordinates.


solve_model(method, Δ, model)

Optimize the model with the given constraint Δ using method. Returns the following values:

  • the optimum (a vector),
  • the norm of the optimum (a scalar),
  • a boolean indicating whether the constraint binds.
trust_region_solver(f, x; parameters, local_method, stopping_criterion, maximum_iterations, Δ, debug)

Solve f ≈ 0 using trust region methods, starting from x.

f is a callable (function) that

  1. takes vectors real numbers of the same length as x,

  2. returns a value with properties residual and Jacobian, containing a vector and a conformable matrix, with finite values for both or a non-finite residual (for infeasible points; Jacobian is ignored). A NamedTuple can be used for this, but any structure with these properties will be accepted. Importantly, this is treated as a single object and can be used to return extra information (a “payload”), which will be ignored by this function.

Returns a TrustRegionResult object.

Keyword arguments (with defaults)

  • parameters = TrustRegionParameters(): parameters for the trust region method

  • local_method = Dogleg(): the local method to use

  • stopping_criterion = SolverStoppingCriterion(): the stopping criterion

  • maximum_iterations = 500: the maximum number of iterations before declaring non-convergence,

  • Δ = 1.0, the initial trust region radius

  • debug = nothing: when ≢ nothing, a function that will be called with an object that has properties iterations, Δ, x, fx, converged, residual_norm.

trust_region_step(parameters, local_method, f, Δ, x, fx)

Take a trust region step using local_method.

f is the function that returns the residual and the Jacobian (see trust_region_solver).

Δ is the trust region radius, x is the position, fx = f(x). Caller ensures that the latter is feasible.


Calculate the unconstrained optimum of the model, return its norm as the second value.

When the second value is infinite, the unconstrained optimum should not be used as this indicates a singular problem.