
Apart from the pursue of performance, we also strive to provide intuitive and compostable interface. After all, "theoretically" fast doesn't mean the performance is accessible for the first-time physics user.


We support reading all scalar and jagged branches of "basic" types, provide indexing and iteration interface with a "per branch" basket-cache. There is a low level API to provide interpretation functionalities for custom types and classes. As a metric, UnROOT can read all branches (~1800) of CMS NanoAOD including jagged TLorentzVector branch.

Loops aren't slow

One good thing about Julia is you can always fallback to writing loops since they are not intrinsically slower (than C/C++), certainly much faster than Python. Continuing the example from README:

julia> using UnROOT

julia> f = ROOTFile("test/samples/NanoAODv5_sample.root")

julia> mytree = LazyTree(f, "Events", ["Electron_dxy", "nMuon", r"Muon_(pt|eta)$"])

There are essentially two loops you can use:

julia> for event in mytree

julia> for (i, event) in enumerate(mytree)
           # i will be index of `mytree`: 1, 2, 3...

Both of which are compostable with @batch from Polyester.jl for multi-threading:

julia> using Polyester # need to install it first as it's an optional dependency

julia> @batch for event in mytree

julia> @batch for (i, event) in enumerate(mytree)

On finer control over @batch, such as batch size or per-core/thread, see Polyester's page.

Only one basket per branch will be cached so you don't have to worry about running out of RAM. At the same time, event inside the for-loop is not materialized until a field is accessed. If your event is fairly small or you need all of them anyway, you can collect(event) first inside the loop.