

Gamble constructs a gamble object with probability vector p and outcome vector v. Vectors p and v are sorted seperately for gains and losses in ascending order of the absolute value of v. Subarrays for p and v for gains and losses are stored for internal calculations for prospect theory.

  • p: probability vector
  • v: outcome vector
  • pg: probability vector for gains
  • vg: outcome vector for gains
  • pl: probability vector for losses
  • vl: outcome vector for losses


Gamble(;p=[.5,.5], v=[10.0,0.0])


ProspectTheory constructs a model object for cummulative prospect theory. By default, parameters for utility curvature and probability weigting are equal gains and losses.

  • α: utility curvature for gains
  • β: utility curvature for losses
  • γg: probability weighting parameter for gains
  • γl: probability weighting parameter for losses
  • λ: loss aversion parameter


ProspectTheory(;α=.80, β=α, γg=.70, γl=γg, λ=2.25)


Fennema, H., & Wakker, P. (1997). Original and cumulative prospect theory: A discussion of empirical differences. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 10(1), 53-64.

Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1992). Advances in prospect theory: Cumulative representation of uncertainty. Journal of Risk and uncertainty, 5(4), 297-323.



compute_weights computes decision weights based on cummulative outcomes

  • p: a probability vector
  • γ: parameter that controls weighting of low and high probabilities

Function Signature

compute_weights(p, γ)


expected_utility computes the expected utility given a model and a gamble

  • model: a model object for prospect theory
  • gamble: a gamble object

Function Signature

expected_utility(model::ProspectTheory, gamble)