Reading Videos

Video Reading

Note: Reading of audio streams is not yet implemented

Reading Video Files

VideoIO contains a simple high-level interface which allows reading of video frames from a supported video file (or from a camera device, shown later).

using VideoIO

#io =
io = VideoIO.testvideo("annie_oakley") # for testing purposes

f = VideoIO.openvideo(io)

img = read(f)

while !eof(f)
    read!(f, img)
    # Do something with frames

Seeking through the video can be achieved via seek(f, seconds::Float64) and seekstart(f) to return to the start.

seek(s::VideoReader, seconds::AbstractFloat, seconds_min::AbstractFloat=-1.0,  seconds_max::AbstractFloat=-1.0, video_stream::Integer=1, forward::Bool=false)

Seek through VideoReader object.

seek(s::VideoReader, seconds::AbstractFloat, seconds_min::AbstractFloat=-1.0,  seconds_max::AbstractFloat=-1.0, video_stream::Integer=1, forward::Bool=false)

Seek through AVInput object.

seekstart(s::VideoReader, video_stream=1)

Seek to start of VideoReader object.

seekstart(avin::AVInput{T}, video_stream=1) where T <: AbstractString

Seek to start of AVInput object.

Frames can be skipped without reading frame content via skipframe(f) and skipframes(f, n)

skipframe(s::VideoReader; throwEOF=true)

Skip the next frame. If End of File is reached, EOFError thrown if throwEOF=true. Otherwise returns true if EOF reached, false otherwise.

skipframes(s::VideoReader, n::Int)

Skip the next n frames. If End of File is reached, EOFError to be thrown. With throwEOF = true the number of frames that were skipped to be returned without error.

Total available frame count is available via counttotalframes(f)


Count the total number of frames in the video by seeking to start, skipping through each frame, and seeking back to the start.

!!! note H264 videos encoded with crf>0 have been observed to have 4-fewer frames available for reading.

Changing the target pixel format for reading

It can be helpful to be explicit in which pixel format you wish to read frames as. Here a grayscale video is read and parsed into a Vector(Array{UInt8}}

f = VideoIO.openvideo(filename, target_format=VideoIO.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8)

while !eof(f)
    img = reinterpret(UInt8, read(f))

Video Playback

A trivial video player interface exists (no audio) through Makie.jl. Note: Makie must be imported first to enable playback functionality.

using Makie
using VideoIO

f = VideoIO.testvideo("annie_oakley")  # downloaded if not available
VideoIO.playvideo(f)  # no sound

Customization of playback can be achieved by looking at the basic expanded version of this function:

import Makie
import VideoIO

#io =
io = VideoIO.testvideo("annie_oakley") # for testing purposes
f = VideoIO.openvideo(io)

img = read(f)
scene = Makie.Scene(resolution = reverse(size(img)))
makieimg = Makie.image!(scene, img, show_axis = false, scale_plot = true)[end]
Makie.rotate!(scene, -0.5pi)

while !eof(f)
    read!(f, img)
    makieimg[1] = img

This code is essentially the code in playvideo, and will read and (without the sleep) play a movie file as fast as possible.

Reading Camera Output

Frames can be read iteratively

using VideoIO
cam = VideoIO.opencamera()
for i in 1:100
    img = read(cam)

Webcam playback

The default system webcam can be viewed directly

using Makie
using VideoIO

An expanded version of this approach:

import Makie, VideoIO

cam = VideoIO.opencamera()

img = read(cam)
scene = Makie.Scene(resolution = size(img'))
makieimg = Makie.image!(scene, img, show_axis = false, scale_plot = false)[end]
Makie.rotate!(scene, -0.5pi)

while isopen(scene)
    read!(cam, img)
    makieimg[1] = img


Video Properties & Metadata

get_start_time(file::String) -> DateTime

Return the starting date & time of the video file. Note that if the starting date & time are missing, this function will return the Unix epoch (00:00 1st January 1970).

get_time_duration(file::String) -> (DateTime, Microsecond)

Return the starting date & time as well as the duration of the video file. Note that if the starting date & time are missing, this function will return the Unix epoch (00:00 1st January 1970).

get_duration(file::String) -> Float64

Return the duration of the video file in seconds (float).