Construction & conversion

Here we will showcase the various ways you can construct the various sequence types in BioSequences.

Constructing sequences

From strings

Sequences can be constructed from strings using their constructors:

julia> LongDNASeq("TTANC")
5nt DNA Sequence:

julia> LongSequence{DNAAlphabet{2}}("TTAGC")
5nt DNA Sequence:

julia> LongRNASeq("UUANC")
5nt RNA Sequence:

julia> LongSequence{RNAAlphabet{2}}("UUAGC")
5nt RNA Sequence:

julia> DNAMer{8}("ATCGATCG")
DNA 8-mer:

julia> # The following works, but is not type-stable...

julia> DNAMer("ATCGATCG")
DNA 8-mer:

julia> RNAMer{8}("AUCGAUCG")
RNA 8-mer:

julia> # The following works, but is not type-stable...

julia> RNAMer(LongRNASeq("AUCGAUCG"))
RNA 8-mer:

julia> seq = ReferenceSequence("NNCGTATTTTCN")
12nt Reference Sequence:

From version 2.0 onwards, the convert methods for converting a string or vector of symbols into a sequence type have been removed. These convert methods did nothing but pass their arguments to the appropriate constructor.

These specific convert methods have been removed due to the semantics of convert: Even though convert(LongDNASeq, "ATCG") was previously the same as LongDNASeq("ATCG"), unlike constructors, convert is sometimes implicitly called. So it's methods should be restricted to cases that are considered safe or unsurprising. convert should convert between types that represent the same basic kind of thing, like different representations of numbers. It is also usually lossless. Not all strings are valid sequences, and depending on the sequence type, not all vectors of BioSymbols are valid sequences either. A string only represents the "same kind of thing" as a biological sequence in some cases, so implicitly converting them to a sequence type was never safe or unsurprising. These convert methods have been renamed to Base.parse methods.

Constructing sequences from arrays of BioSymbols

Sequences can be constructed using vectors or arrays of a BioSymbol type:

julia> LongDNASeq([DNA_T, DNA_T, DNA_A, DNA_N, DNA_C])
5nt DNA Sequence:

julia> LongSequence{DNAAlphabet{2}}([DNA_T, DNA_T, DNA_A, DNA_G, DNA_C])
5nt DNA Sequence:

julia> DNAMer{5}([DNA_T, DNA_T, DNA_A, DNA_G, DNA_C])
DNA 5-mer:

julia> RNAMer{5}([RNA_U, RNA_U, RNA_A, RNA_G, RNA_C])
RNA 5-mer:

julia> # Works, but is not type-stable

julia> DNAMer([DNA_T, DNA_T, DNA_A, DNA_G, DNA_C])
DNA 5-mer:

julia> RNAMer([RNA_U, RNA_U, RNA_A, RNA_G, RNA_C])
RNA 5-mer:

Constructing sequences from other sequences

You can create sequences, by concatenating other sequences together:

julia> LongDNASeq(LongDNASeq("ACGT"), LongDNASeq("NNNN"), LongDNASeq("TGCA"))
12nt DNA Sequence:

julia> LongDNASeq("ACGT") * LongDNASeq("TGCA")
8nt DNA Sequence:

julia> repeat(LongDNASeq("TA"), 10)
20nt DNA Sequence:

julia> LongDNASeq("TA") ^ 10
20nt DNA Sequence:

You can also construct long sequences from kmer sequences, and vice versa:

julia> m = DNAMer{5}([DNA_T, DNA_T, DNA_A, DNA_G, DNA_C])
DNA 5-mer:

julia> LongSequence(m)
5nt DNA Sequence:

julia> # round trip from mer to long sequence back to mer.

julia> DNAMer(LongSequence(m))
DNA 5-mer:

Conversion of sequence types

Sometimes you can convert between sequence types without construction / having to copy data. for example, despite being separate types, LongDNASeq and LongRNASeq can freely be converted between efficiently, without copying the underlying data:

julia> dna = dna"TTANGTAGACCG"
12nt DNA Sequence:

julia> rna = convert(LongRNASeq, dna)
12nt RNA Sequence:

julia> ===  # underlying data are same

Sequences can be converted explicitly and implicitly, into arrays and strings:

julia> dna = dna"TTANGTAGACCG"
12nt DNA Sequence:

julia> dnastr = convert(String, dna)

julia> # Implicit conversion to string - putting dna sequence in String vector 

julia> arr = String[dna]
1-element Array{String,1}:

String literals

BioSequences provides several string literal macros for creating sequences.


When you use literals you may mix the case of characters.

Long sequence literals

julia> dna"TACGTANNATC"
11nt DNA Sequence:

julia> rna"AUUUGNCCANU"
11nt RNA Sequence:

21aa Amino Acid Sequence:

julia> char"αβγδϵ"
5char Char Sequence:

However, it should be noted that by default these sequence literals allocate the LongSequence object before the code containing the sequence literal is run. This means there may be occasions where your program does not behave as you first expect. For example consider the following code:

julia> function foo()
           s = dna"CTT"
           push!(s, DNA_A)
foo (generic function with 1 method)

You might expect that every time you call foo, that a DNA sequence CTTA would be returned. You might expect that this is because every time foo is called, a new DNA sequence variable CTT is created, and the A nucleotide is pushed to it, and the result, CTTA is returned. In other words you might expect the following output:

julia> foo()
4nt DNA Sequence:

julia> foo()
4nt DNA Sequence:

julia> foo()
4nt DNA Sequence:

However, this is not what happens, instead the following happens:

julia> foo()
4nt DNA Sequence:

julia> foo()
5nt DNA Sequence:

julia> foo()
6nt DNA Sequence:

The reason for this is because the sequence literal is allocated only once before the first time the function foo is called and run. Therefore, s in foo is always a reference to that one sequence that was allocated. So one sequence is created before foo is called, and then it is pushed to every time foo is called. Thus, that one allocated sequence grows with every call of foo.

If you wanted foo to create a new sequence each time it is called, then you can add a flag to the end of the sequence literal to dictate behaviour: A flag of 's' means 'static': the sequence will be allocated before code is run, as is the default behaviour described above. However providing 'd' flag changes the behaviour: 'd' means 'dynamic': the sequence will be allocated whilst the code is running, and not before. So to change foo so as it creates a new sequence each time it is called, simply add the 'd' flag to the sequence literal:

julia> function foo()
           s = dna"CTT"d     # 'd' flag appended to the string literal.
           push!(s, DNA_A)
foo (generic function with 1 method)

Now every time foo is called, a new sequence CTT is created, and an A nucleotide is pushed to it:

julia> foo()
4nt DNA Sequence:

julia> foo()
4nt DNA Sequence:

julia> foo()
4nt DNA Sequence:

So the take home message of sequence literals is this:

Be careful when you are using sequence literals inside of functions, and inside the bodies of things like for loops. And if you use them and are unsure, use the 's' and 'd' flags to ensure the behaviour you get is the behaviour you intend.

Kmer literals

You can create literals for Mers and BigMers as well:

julia> mer"ATCG"
DNA 4-mer:

julia> mer"ATCG"dna
DNA 4-mer:

julia> mer"AUCG"rna
RNA 4-mer:

By using a flag at the end of the literal, you can set whether the kmer should be a DNA kmer or an RNA kmer. If you don't set the flag, then by default it will try to make a dna kmer from the string.

Literals for BigMers are also available:

julia> bigmer"ATCG"
DNA 4-mer:

julia> bigmer"ATCG"dna
DNA 4-mer:

julia> bigmer"AUCG"rna
RNA 4-mer: