Contributing to COBREXA.jl

:+1::tada: Thanks for taking the time to contribute to COBREXA.jl! :tada::+1:

How to report a bug or suggest an enhancement

Please use the GitHub issue tracker to report any problems with the software, and discuss any potential questions about COBREXA use.

Before creating bug reports, please check the open issues, you might find out that the issue is already reported and known.

General guidelines for reporting issues:

  • If creating a bug report, include a complete description of how we can reproduce the bug, including e.g. links to datasets and any external scripts used. Ideally, try to create a code snippet that causes the problem on a fresh installation of COBREXA.jl (often called the "minimal crashing example")
  • If possible, use the supplied issue templates and fill in all fields.
  • If your issue is already described in an issue that is "closed", do not reopen it. Instead, open a new issue and include a link to the original issue. (The fact that the original issue might have been mistakenly closed may be an issue on its own.)
  • Enhancement proposals should refer a viable way for implementing the enhancement. If there are multiple possibilities for implementation, we will welcome a discussion about which one is optimal for COBREXA.jl.

How to test a development version of the package?

Step 1: Load COBREXA.jl from the source from the git repository

There are two ways that you can retrieve a local copy of the development repo: you can either clone the repository manually, or use Julia package manager to get a development version for you.

Option 1: Using Julia package manager

When you are used to using the Julia package manager for developing or contributing to packages, you can type:

(v1.6) pkg> dev COBREXA

This will install the COBREXA package locally and check it out for development. You can check the location of the package with:

(v1.6) pkg> status
    Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.4/Project.toml`
  [a03a9c34] COBREXA v0.0.5 [`~/.julia/dev/COBREXA`]

The default location of the package is ~/.julia/dev/COBREXA.

Option 2: Cloning with git manually

You can use git to get the sources as follows:

$ git clone

When the cloning process finishes, you shold see the package cloned in a new directory COBREXA.jl. To install this version to your Julia, change to the directory first, and start Julia:

$ cd COBREXA.jl
$ julia

With Julia, you can install the development version of the package from the directory as follows:

(v1.6) pkg> add .

(press ] to get into the packaging environment)

This adds the COBREXA.jl package and all its dependencies. You can verify that the installation worked by typing:

(v1.6) pkg> status

If you are planning to develop the package, it is often easier to install the package in development mode, with dev command:

(v1.6) pkg> dev .

That causes the package to always load with whatever code changes that you added to the source directory.

Finally: load COBREXA.jl

With both of above options, you should get COBREXA.jl installed, which means that the following command should, without errors, load the package and make COBREXA.jl functions available for testing:

julia> using COBREXA

You may now freely modify the code and test the result.

Remember that if you want to work in the environment of the package, you need to activate it. That causes, among other, that the additional dependencies specified with packaging add command will be written automaticaly to Project.toml file of your local COBREXA.jl clone, not to your global environment. Activation is simple: when in the directory of the package, just type the command into the packaging shell:

(v1.6) pkg> activate

Step 2: Publish your changes

You are expected to make a fork of the main COBREXA.jl repository, and open a pull request from that one to the master branch of the main repository. For creating the fork, just hit the "Fork" button on GitHub.

After that, change the directory to your repository and adjust the remotes:

$ cd ~/.julia/dev/COBREXA             # or any other directory, as needed
$ git remote rename origin upstream   # renames the origin (the main COBREXA.jl repo) to upstream
$ git remote add origin  # adds the link to your clone as new origin
$ git fetch origin                    # fetches the refs from your repo

In the above code, change yourUsername is your GitHub username.

When the renaming is done, start a new branch at upstream/master. In the code snippet, substitute yn for your initials (Your Name here) and give the new feature a better name than somefeature:

$ git checkout -b yn-somefeature origin/master

Commit any changes and features that you like to the new branch. When the commits look complete to you, push the branch to your repository fork:

$ git push -u origin yn-somefeature

This makes your changes visible in your repository. After that, you can navigate to GitHub's pull request page, where you should immediately see a big green button that helps you to create a pull request for this branch. Read the section below for precise details and guidelines on submitting the pull requests.

How to submit a pull request (PR) with your modification/enhancement?

  1. Make a fork of the repository, commit the modifications in a separate branch and push the branch to your fork.
  2. Make a pull request where you describe the motivation and expected outcome for the users. Specifically, consider any possible incompatibilities, and the necessity to increment the version number after your changes are applied. Label your pull request with a semantic emoji in the title to indicate what it addresses.
  3. After submitting the pull request, verify that all status checks (tests, documentation) are passing. Make sure any new contribution is properly documented and tested (you may want to check with coverage tools, using test --coverage from the Julia packaging shell)

After you submitted a pull request, a label might be assigned that allows us to track and manage issues and pull requests.

Code culture and style recommendations

Follow basic rules for software maintainability and extensibility:

  • Do not reimplement functionality that is available in other packages, unless the reimplementation is either trivial and short, or there is a grave need to do so because the other implementations are deficient in some manner.
  • Try to keep the function names and interfaces consistent with ecosystem standards and the other functions in the package. Consistency reduces the amount of surprise on the user side, thus lowers the need to reach for documentation, and in turn makes the software much easier and faster to use.
  • Code less. Shorter code is almost always better unless demonstrated otherwise, e.g. with a benchmark. Avoid repetitive boilerplate (there should be ways to generate it, if needed).
  • Keep the functionality "open" and composable. In particular, avoid all unnecessarily opaque and leaky abstractions (common in object-oriented programming).
  • Avoid producing lots of "informative" text side-output by default, unless that is what the user asked for.
  • Adhere to the code formatting rules defined by JuliaFormatter. We usually have a bot running that checks all PRs and reports whether the code is properly formatted.

Follow the common rules for making easily mergable and reviewable PRs:

  • Create one PR for each logical "feature" you want to merge. If your change is more complex and contains multiple "stages", open multiple PRs.
  • Keep the test coverage reasonably high.
  • If you commit many small, partial changes in a PR, you may help us save energy by prefixing your commit names with [skip ci], which deactivates the CI trigger on that commit. With each skipped CI, you save a few watt-hours of energy. Testing just the "final" commit of the pull-request branch is sufficient.

For developers: What is the expected branch management/workflow?

The workflow is based on GitLab flow, i.e., a master branch with feature branches being merged into the master branch. Depending on your access rights, you may open the feature branch in this repository, on in your fork.

The guidelines can be summarized as such:

  • when making a contribution, create one new branch and open one new PR for each new independent feature or bugfix
  • do not push to another branch unless it is your own
  • try to get a review before merging unless the change is trivial and non-impacting
  • consider prefixing your branch names with your initials, so that one can easily see who owns which branch (e.g. ad-somefeature would be committed by Arthur Dent)