This code demonstrates how to use and extend advanced optics. The examples are taken from the of the specter clojure library. Many of the features here are experimental, please consult the docstrings of the involved optics.
using Test
using Accessors
import Accessors: modify, OpticStyle
using Accessors: ModifyBased, SetBased, setindex
Increment all even numbers
We have the following data and the goal is to increment all nested even numbers.
data = (a = [(aa=1, bb=2), (cc=3,)], b = [(dd=4,)])
(a = NamedTuple[(aa = 1, bb = 2), (cc = 3,)], b = @NamedTuple{dd::Int64}[(dd = 4,)])
To acomplish this, we define a new optic Vals
function mapvals(f, d)
Dict(k => f(v) for (k,v) in pairs(d))
mapvals(f, nt::NamedTuple) = map(f, nt)
struct Vals end
OpticStyle(::Type{Vals}) = ModifyBased()
modify(f, obj, ::Vals) = mapvals(f, obj)
modify (generic function with 11 methods)
Now we can increment as follows:
out = @set data |> Vals() |> Elements() |> Vals() |> If(iseven) += 1
@test out == (a = [(aa = 1, bb = 3), (cc = 3,)], b = [(dd = 5,)])
Test Passed
Append to nested vector
data = (a = 1:3,)
out = @modify(v -> vcat(v, [4,5]), data.a)
@test out == (a = [1,2,3,4,5],)
Test Passed
Increment last odd number in a sequence
data = 1:4
out = @set data |> filter(isodd, _) |> last += 1
@test out == [1,2,4,4]
### Map over a sequence
data = 1:3
out = @set data |> Elements() += 1
@test out == [2,3,4]
Test Passed
Increment all values in a nested Dict
data = Dict(:a => Dict(:aa =>1), :b => Dict(:ba => -1, :bb => 2))
out = @set data |> Vals() |> Vals() += 1
@test out == Dict(:a => Dict(:aa => 2),:b => Dict(:bb => 3,:ba => 0))
Test Passed
Increment all the even values for :a keys in a sequence of maps
data = [Dict(:a => 1), Dict(:a => 2), Dict(:a => 4), Dict(:a => 3)]
out = @set data |> Elements() |> _[:a] += 1
@test out == [Dict(:a => 2), Dict(:a => 3), Dict(:a => 5), Dict(:a => 4)]
Test Passed
Retrieve every number divisible by 3 out of a sequence of sequences
data = [[1,2,3,4], Int[], [5,3,2,18], [2,4,6], [12]]
optic = @optic _ |> Elements() |> Elements() |> If(x -> mod(x, 3) == 0)
out = getall(data, optic)
@test out == [3, 3, 18, 6, 12]
@test eltype(out) == Int
Test Passed
Increment the last odd number in a sequence
data = [2, 1, 3, 6, 9, 4, 8]
out = @set data |> filter(isodd, _) |> _[end] += 1
@test out == [2, 1, 3, 6, 10, 4, 8]
@test eltype(out) == Int
Test Passed
Remove nils from a nested sequence
data = (a = [1,2,missing, 3, missing],)
optic = @optic _.a |> filter(!ismissing, _)
out = optic(data)
@test out == [1,2,3]
Test Passed
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