Model and data plotting


mplot(blocks, filename="", kwargs...)

Plots an array of blocks using PyPlot backend


blocks : An array of Block objects. Subarrays are also supported.

filename = ""` : If provided, a file with the output is saved

See also

See documentation of mplot(mesh, filename="", kwargs...) for details about keyword arguments.

mplot(mesh, filename="", kwargs...)

Plots a mesh using PyPlot backend.


mesh : A finite element mesh

filename = "" : If provided, a file with the output is saved

Keyword arguments

axis = true : If true, show axes

lw = 0.5 : Line width

markers = false : If true, shows node markers

nodelabels = false : If true, shows node labels

celllabels = false : If true, shows cell labels

opacity = 1.0 : Opacity,

field = nothing : If provided, plots corresponding field

fieldmult = 1.0 : Factor multiplied to field values

fieldlims = () : Tuple (min, max) with field limits

vectorfield = nothing : If provided, plots corresponding vector field

arrowscale = 0.0 : Factor multiplied to vectorfield values

colormap = "coolwarm" : Colormap according to PyPlot

colormaplims = (0.0, 1.0) : Colormap range to be used

shrinkcolors = false : If true, shrinks the color scale of the colormap

darkcolors = false : If true, makes colormap colors darker

lightcolors = false : If true, makes colormap colors lighter

vividcolors = false : If true, makes colormap colors more vivid

divergingcolors = false : If true, makes colormap centralized at zero

colorbarscale = 0.9 : Scale of the colorbar

colorbarlabel = "" : Label of the colorbar

colorbarlocation = "" : Location of colorbar (top, bottom, left and right)

colorbarpad = 0.0 : Separation of colorbar from the plot

warpscale = 0.0 : Factor multiplied to "U" field when available

hicells = 0 : Cell number to be highlighted

elev = 30.0 : 3D plot elevation

azim = 45.0 : 3D plot azimute

dist = 10.0 : 3D plot distance from observer

outline = true : Highlight main edges of 3D meshes in the saved output

figsize = (3,3.0) : Figure size

leaveopen = false : If true, leaves the plot open so other drawings can be added


cplot(data, filename, kwargs...)

Plots a pyplot line chart.


data : An array of named tuples with information for each line

filename = "" : The chart filename

Keyword arguments

xlabel = "$x$" : x label

ylabel = "$y$" : y label

xbins = 10 : number of bins in x

ybins = 10 : number of bins in y

grid = false : grid

figsize = (3.2,2.2) : size of plot

legendloc = "best" : legend location in plot

legendexpand = false : expanded version

bbox_to_anchor = nothing : legend anchor

ncol = 0 : number of columns in horizontal legend

xlim = nothing : x axis limits

ylim = nothing : y axis limits

xscale = "linear" : x axis scale

yscale = "linear" : y axis scale

xmult = 1.0 : x data multiplier

ymult = 1.0 : y data multiplier

ticksinside = true : put ticks inside plot

fontsize = 7 : font size

legendfontsize = 0 : defaults to fontsize

labelspacing = 0.5 : spacing between legend labels

textlist = [] : e.g. [ (text="text", pos=(x,y)), ]

tagpos = 0.5 : tag position along data

tagloc = "top" : tag location relative to curve

tagdist = 0.005 : tag distance from curve

tagfontsize = 0 : default to fontsize

tagcolor = "black" : "" uses the data color

tagalign = true : if true the tag is aligned to the curve

quiet = false :

copypath = "" : path to copy ouput file


using Amaru
X1 = collect(1:20)
X2 = collect(1:20)
Y1 = log.(X1)
Y2 = log.(X2)*1.1

       (x=X1, y=Y1, marker="o", color="r", label="curve 1")
       (x=X2, y=Y2, marker="s", color="b", label="curve 2")

Extended example:

using Amaru
X1 = collect(1:20)
X2 = collect(1:20)
Y1 = log.(X1)
Y2 = log.(X2)*1.1

       (x=X1, y=Y1, lw=0.5, ls="-", ms=2, mfc="w", marker="o", color="r", label="curve 1")
       (x=X2, y=Y2, lw=0.5, ls="-", ms=2, mfc="w", marker="s", color="b", label="curve 2")
      filename = "plot.pdf",
      xlabel="$x$", ylabel="$y$", legendloc="best",
      xbins=6, ybins=6, grid=true, figsize=(3,2), legendexpand=false, ncol=0,
      xlim=(0,20), xscale="linear", yscale="log",
      fontsize=7, legendfontsize=0, labelspacing=0.5